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Early mornig futures report -

Posted by racerick on 5th of Mar 2020 at 04:55 am

Early mornig futures report - ES futures been trending down most of night pretty much, down around 50 pts here at 5ish, easy trading..  Bitcoin big move tonight, up almost 400 pts, Oil kind of looking  like it wants to roll back over some.  Been pretty quiet though for a nice change, even when Europe came online.

I was looking at this too. Shows real well on 30 min chart. That would take us all the way back to the 78% fib level, which may be optimistic, but who knows. I shorted the Es at 3125 instead, hoping in fails here short term.

70 pt ES spike on

Posted by racerick on 3rd of Mar 2020 at 10:01 am

70 pt ES spike on news

For all of you JO

Posted by racerick on 2nd of Mar 2020 at 04:27 pm

For all of you JO lovers, coffee futures broke slightly above 38% retracement and closed just under. Nice move today.

Sold my SPY calls and short ES at 4:01 at 3086.75. That eod ramp was a little too strong.

Today was the easy day.

Posted by racerick on 2nd of Mar 2020 at 04:12 pm

Today was the easy day. Have a sneaking suspicion that we'll have to work harder for our breadcrumbs the next couple of weeks.


I had S2 a little

ES 2901 is a pivot 

Posted by racerick on 28th of Feb 2020 at 02:57 am

I had S2 a little lower but figured there might be some defense of the 2900. Caught it at 03.50 long but sold a little early at 2935.  But was waiting on short, had a confluence of 3 resistance points right at 42 so had order sitting at 41.50, but covered at 20ema,and it promptly fell to 20 in next 2 min.  Glad to see you up, I love trading at night. Gold following GDX tonight.

Perfect cup and handle forming

Posted by racerick on 27th of Feb 2020 at 12:06 pm

Perfect cup and handle forming on 1min ES chart right now..  Worth watching. Now I'm really gone, lol

SPX slightly undercut 200ma and

Posted by racerick on 27th of Feb 2020 at 11:39 am

SPX slightly undercut 200ma and bounced right off lower channel line. It can pay very well keeping LT charts open while you use short term for entries. In ES at 3010.75 and out at 3060.  25 minute trade. Long some MSFT 160 calls close to same time. Stop set. Done for today. Good trading everyone.

Another crazy night. ES hit it's low at midnight on 5min chart at 3059, just at S2 and has bounced 39 pts so far.  Basically a 118 pt down move in 12 hours. Unreal

Gold futures have been playing

Posted by racerick on 26th of Feb 2020 at 09:14 am

Gold futures have been playing nice with my Linear Regression channels lately on 15min chart, the outside red lines are 2 standard deviations and the pink are one.  In fact, a lot of things do, reason I have on most my charts

60 pt selloff one hour

Posted by racerick on 26th of Feb 2020 at 05:22 am

60 pt selloff one hour followed by a 40 pt bounce the next hour. Can't make this stuff up.  And VIX down a point in early trading - go figure.

Let's hope everyone else doesn't have to suffer thru it during regular hours. We're about back where we closed and if they come in later in the morning and don't look at the futures, they'll never know, lol.

Crazy nite in the futures.

Posted by racerick on 26th of Feb 2020 at 04:55 am

Crazy nite in the futures. Steve, I started listening to your newsletter about 3:10 and ES had gotten back up to around 3150 again at 3. Then when Europe opened started selling off some and about the time you started talking about the market free falling the futures jumped off a cliff. I was laughing, just because of the timing. Fell 60 points in an hour. I was using my 3min chart for scalp entries and it was dropping so fast that it got over 50 points away from the 50ma on a 3min chart. That's nuts.  Fortunately you got to the chart that showed the gap between 3090 and 3100  and I was hoping it would give a decent trade once it filled that and so far it has, but the bounce was fast. Put in mkt order when it started moving off 91 when it was around 93 and got filled at 98. Just peeled off one at the earlier LOD around 3117. Will be curious to see if they test the overnite lows during regular session. Notice the broad H&S on 3min chart, measures 30 pts, we got a 37 pt move. Had nice 28 pt candle on 30min chart at the 4am mark. As you said in newsletter, that would be a pretty exciting daily range.

picked up some MSFT 160's

SPY systems comments

Posted by racerick on 25th of Feb 2020 at 12:03 pm

picked up some MSFT 160's too, pretty good relative strength this am. Did close ones so basically little time premium. 2 day trade max

Missed the SPY trade on

SPY systems comments

Posted by racerick on 25th of Feb 2020 at 11:56 am

Missed the SPY trade on the close yesterday, just picked up SPY calls for 17.70

Getting a downside flush here

Posted by racerick on 25th of Feb 2020 at 10:28 am

Getting a downside flush here - getting ready to try some ES here

CHWY nice move up today,

Posted by racerick on 24th of Feb 2020 at 11:37 am

CHWY nice move up today, guess everyone will be ordering their pet supplies from home

LOL, here we go White

Posted by racerick on 24th of Feb 2020 at 10:54 am

LOL, here we go White House requesting emergency spending package to fight virus. That didn't take long. Long small ES futures at 3245


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