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Natgas nice overnight move with

Posted by racerick on 6th of Jul 2020 at 07:16 am

Natgas nice overnight move with UGAZ following this am pre-market. I suppose Buffet taking a big position in didn't hurt

Oil futures dropped about a

Posted by racerick on 22nd of Jun 2020 at 09:39 pm

Oil futures dropped about a point too just as fast.

Just long at 63.50. May get run over, lol  Out at 3080, that was where previous bounce went too. Nice exactly 2 min and 3 sec trade.

Futures just dropped 40 pts

Posted by racerick on 22nd of Jun 2020 at 09:23 pm

Futures just dropped 40 pts in 15min.  Can't find any news yet.

Sorry, didn't know it was even on, had minimized.

Oil having a good night.

Posted by racerick on 19th of Jun 2020 at 05:01 am

Oil having a good night. Broke out of bull flag on daily and had a nice inverse H&S on hourly that measures right up to about the 62% fib retracement around 43.30

I caught it at the

SPX nearing gap fill from today

Posted by racerick on 16th of Jun 2020 at 11:06 am

I caught it at the the close at 3066 but now not sure what to do with it, lol. Any ideas? Nevermind out at 3098

Anyone see any news

WOW THIS is a sell program! Geezsh

Posted by racerick on 16th of Jun 2020 at 11:02 am

Anyone see any news

Futures pretty ugly so far

Posted by racerick on 15th of Jun 2020 at 01:03 am

Futures pretty ugly so far tonite. Just took out Friday's low. Down 56 points at the moment. Sheesh, down almost 80 pts now. Like a free fall.  Trying a long at 2946.

Thanks. On my 2nd trip

SPX 60 and 15 min

Posted by racerick on 4th of Jun 2020 at 03:19 pm

Thanks. On my 2nd trip south with it today. Covered my short this am on bounce off 60min 50 at 3096 and re-short from 3114. Was getting itchy trigger finger to cover at prior LOD.

Matt or Steve, any downside

Posted by racerick on 4th of Jun 2020 at 03:06 pm

Matt or Steve, any downside target on ES in here? Bottom of your channel maybe?

I put on a Put

AAPL follow up

Posted by racerick on 4th of Jun 2020 at 03:04 pm

I put on a Put spread earlier today, Long 325 puts and short the 322.50 for $1.23

I have a question as what is your trigger for the C wave. A line across top of consolidation, certain candles or what? What tells you it's still not just chopping? Thanks

In all honesty my signals

Posted by racerick on 27th of May 2020 at 04:29 pm

In all honesty my signals triggered a buy again around 3011 about 3pm but because we had bounced so far already figured wouldn't be worth more than a few points so didn't take the trade and then did the same thing when it broke over 3015 level.  I had a buy sitting at 3005 at 2:45 and missed by 3 ticks and then didn't want to chase. I've been doing this long enough that I know I'm going to miss trades but this one irked me because of letting my subjectivity takeover instead of just playing the chart.

I agree with you and

Darn strong close today

Posted by racerick on 27th of May 2020 at 04:10 pm

I agree with you and have enough longs, but ES rallied another 20 points in last hour.  Today like a large melt up after first hour with nearly every sector up. I felt like we were more likely to kind of chop our way up for a few more days. Am glad I sold my GDX puts early this am, will look to your guidance on a higher low to re-enter.

Darn strong close today

Posted by racerick on 27th of May 2020 at 03:47 pm

Darn strong close today

Gold in a rapidly tightening

Posted by racerick on 22nd of May 2020 at 11:46 am

Gold in a rapidly tightening wedge here on 1hr chart

Gold futures been wild trading

Posted by racerick on 22nd of May 2020 at 08:20 am

Gold futures been wild trading past hour, from around 7:30 - 10 pt move down and a 12 pt bounce in 50 min.

Long the Russell futures at

Posted by racerick on 20th of May 2020 at 03:51 pm

Long the Russell futures at 1340.6, with tight stop - Out at the close At 1344.6. 

Anyone want to guess which

Posted by racerick on 20th of May 2020 at 03:20 pm

Anyone want to guess which way we ramp into the close today. I'm thinking maybe up since there haven't been any sellers all day.


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