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CCJ (Largest Uranium Co) Huge Inverse H&S

Posted by puma on 20th of Oct 2010 at 12:27 am

Thanks to Rank10 and Matt for highlighting the uranium play. This huge base on CCJ, the largest uranium company, measures up about 30 points. For those looking for a conservative way to play this theme, CCJ is worth considering.

On the other hand, in REAL terms gold is outperforming stocks

Posted by puma on 13th of Oct 2010 at 04:45 pm

In spite of correlation on 5 min chart that I posted, THIS ARTICLEfrom ZeroHedge makes a good point about absolute and relative valuations.

SPX, GLD and GDX tracking exactly on 5 min chart

Posted by puma on 13th of Oct 2010 at 04:16 pm

No need to buy or short one or the other. Right now it's all the same trade. Things will get more interesting when they finally diverge, but for now it's imply risk on/risk off. The correlation on the 5 min chart is amazing.

If we close down for

GDX critical support

Posted by puma on 7th of Oct 2010 at 02:04 pm

If we close down for the week, both the daily chart and the weekly chart will have false breakouts and will likely print reversal candles. Obviously tomorrow's action will be decisive. 

A thought on Matt's Dollar Chat

Posted by puma on 7th of Oct 2010 at 06:34 am

Here's a possibility I've been mulling for the LT dollar chart that Matt has been showing. We're virtually at support -- perhaps less that a point away now. It's always possible that the dollar simply breaks support, and we are suddenly into a dollar crisis, but I lean to the thought that this will more likely play out as a longer ABCDE consolidation in the triangle. And the time symmetry would look to be about another year or so. If things should play out as I've outlined, then I think there's a likelihood that the current equation (dollar down/market and gold up) may change in a dollar crisis breakdown to a new equation (dollar down/market down and gold up). 

Short Idea: Portugal

Posted by puma on 3rd of Oct 2010 at 07:10 pm

One more gold chart

Posted by puma on 14th of Sep 2010 at 11:28 pm

Hourly Gold looking Bull Flaggy

Posted by puma on 14th of Sep 2010 at 09:50 pm

Another way to look at GLD/Gold

Posted by puma on 14th of Sep 2010 at 09:25 pm

The rising wedge might play out, I've been watching it develop for a long time now myself, but there's also the larger channel, which has lots of room left to the upside -- which would imply that the wedge won't play out -- and if we should push up to the top of the longer channel, then I would guess that we will get a high level consolidation. Just eyeballing this chart, looks like that could be up around 1500ish. We should find out pretty soon which way it will go.

Uranium stocks may be setting up again

Posted by puma on 12th of Sep 2010 at 02:49 pm

Best wishes to your Mom

market comments etc

Posted by puma on 7th of Sep 2010 at 02:12 pm

Best wishes to your Mom -- take good care of her -- that's much more important than how much you post right now.

Gold -- Hummmmmmm.....

Posted by puma on 5th of Sep 2010 at 02:33 pm

I only wish this was science fiction. Maybe it won't happen, but I sure can't rule it out.

That story about the inability of banks to foreclose those loans is amazing, and pretty scary. Thanks for posting.

Rank -- thanks for posting the uranium article -- I think you're on the leading edge with this.

Very pretty chart -- Junior Gold miner

Posted by puma on 15th of Aug 2010 at 11:32 pm

Can't put up the chart itself right now, but here's the link:

Junior Gold miner



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