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FEELING THE LUV!  My 5/15 calls are up 16% while the rest of the market tanks.  Like a rose blooming in the snow. THANKS, ssafer!

Got you out quickly and prevented a significant loss. Great plan. Thanks for sharing, Matt!

Wow. So since it dropped to 3060, you are stopped out on this move already?


Thanks, ssafer. Are you holding your LUV options?  Buy more on dip?  It dropped slightly below the lost low. Thanks. 

Looks like it blew right

SPX Intraday Views

Posted by mdgfain on 2nd of Mar 2020 at 03:48 pm

Looks like it blew right through it! Time to lighten up on SPX calls?  I’m hoping it will get at least to the 50% fib by tomorrow. 

Thanks, Mia. What’s your target


Posted by mdgfain on 26th of Feb 2020 at 09:55 am

Thanks, Mia. What’s your target on the upside?

Matt, best wishes to your


Posted by mdgfain on 10th of May 2019 at 05:05 pm

Matt, best wishes to your Mom, and Happy Mother’s Day to her from all of us at BPT!

Thank you, Mia. I appreciate your comments and perspective. You have a good eye!

Mia, big pop today in

Posted by mdgfain on 27th of Feb 2019 at 11:18 am

Mia, big pop today in TSLA. We were hoping for a drop. Any thoughts?  Thanks!

VXXB  setting higher lows. 

Posted by mdgfain on 13th of Feb 2019 at 12:28 pm

VXXB  setting higher lows. 

RP, are you expecting to sell for 11-12% gain ( a lot more if leveraged) at the open for UGAZ or let it ride?  Thanks. 

Matt, are you still holding

Posted by mdgfain on 7th of Feb 2019 at 01:51 pm

Matt, are you still holding HIMX?  Thanks. 

MATT, thanks for taking the time to answer. I am a swing trader, don’t have time to day trade as an ER Doc. I did the TQQQ because it looked like the pattern long term had to turn up sooner or later, and chose June instead of March in case it took longer to play out. Of course,  I know I’m losing theta. That was my reasoning, but greedy swings for the fences can get you burned. Maybe QQQ’s would have been a safer choice. Thanks for you help. 

I bought  LABD June $28

Posted by mdgfain on 25th of Jan 2019 at 12:29 pm

I bought  LABD June $28 calls when it looked like it was going to turn up yesterday morning. It’s only down 10% so far and lots of time to expiration. Any thought about holding or folding while loss is minimal?  Thanks. 

Thanks, Matt. 

Update on symmetry

Posted by mdgfain on 11th of Dec 2018 at 11:21 am

Thanks, Matt. 

 I bought some TQQQ at

SPX Daily View

Posted by mdgfain on 10th of Dec 2018 at 06:08 pm

 I bought some TQQQ at the close  because of the big long lead legged doji. . If it drops tomorrow morning,  I will either buy more or some short term calls of TQQQ. If it drops below the bottom of the Fiji from today, I will sell all of them. If it goes up, I will hold it for several days for a swing trade into next week., At least we have a plan that fits my timeframe.

Thanks, Matt

SPX Daily View

Posted by mdgfain on 10th of Dec 2018 at 04:29 pm

Thanks, Matt

Buy the doji now?

Thanks, Steve. You posted while I was typing. I am guessing if Q’s hold double top on the 5 minute chart, watch out below!


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