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QQQ’s dropped below lows of

Posted by mdgfain on 20th of Nov 2018 at 12:20 pm

QQQ’s dropped below lows of the year but are back above 160.09 now.  Would you consider that bearish because it crossed the line or bullish because it could end of as a hammer candlestick?  To me, QQQ’s seem to be leading the way down, and I am considering selling some long holdings for protection.  

so, my understanding is that you think SPX is going to drop back again and set a higher low than the previous low of 2603?  Thanks. 

Thanks, Sbaxman

Silver Cluster pattern

Posted by mdgfain on 5th of Aug 2016 at 11:48 am

Thanks for sharing this potentially prescient chart. Was it published last night or this morning after the drop?  I can't zoom in enough to see if we have already violated the red line. Is the red 20.27 number on the right the number that must hold?  If so, we're already below it. i apologize for the hand holding but appreciate your interpretation. 

Very Helpful Post


Posted by mdgfain on 6th of Jul 2016 at 05:18 pm

Thanks, 3putt. I, too, am a long term swing trader and have gotten burned by waiting for a "good" correction in the miners. I have a small position, but it looks like the long term outlook is very good. In a bull market, you can miss a lot of opportunities by waiting for the perfect set up!  Thanks!

Great work, Matt. Thanks!!

SPY Pro system trade information

Posted by mdgfain on 29th of Jun 2016 at 08:18 pm

The SPY PRO System just keeps getting better, Matt.  Thanks for all of your hard work.  I can see what you must have gone through to put this together.  It is logical, evidence based, thoroughly back tested and appears to hold up in real time.  This could be a God send for someone like me who can not keep a close eye h the market all day long, due to work restrictions, and prefers a swing system like this.  Heartfelt thanks.  I'm in!


BBC Link For Results

Posted by mdgfain on 23rd of Jun 2016 at 08:17 pm

Audio Missing

Tonight's newsletter

Posted by mdgfain on 23rd of Jun 2016 at 06:22 pm

Sorry Matt, I know you've been sick, but audio is missing again.  Thanks.

Thanks for clarification, Steve

Some Biotech Daily Views

Posted by mdgfain on 21st of Jun 2016 at 04:15 pm

Go long?

Some Biotech Daily Views

Posted by mdgfain on 21st of Jun 2016 at 03:19 pm

Steve, are you suggesting that these Biotech stocks may be ready to turn around and may be a good buying opportunity now?  Thanks.

Thanks Mia


Posted by mdgfain on 25th of May 2016 at 12:29 pm

I'm getting a prostate biopsy today at Mayo, so I needed that comic relief!


Posted by mdgfain on 20th of May 2016 at 01:43 pm

After breaking wedge yesterday, but 5% upside move today to touch the underside of the wedge, with negative divergence still in play.  Would this be a good play for a short. You experienced traders, please help me out.  Thanks!




Posted by mdgfain on 18th of May 2016 at 11:54 am

Thanks, Steve,  I'll watch it a little longer before committing.


Posted by mdgfain on 18th of May 2016 at 11:21 am

Is anyone shorting ZOES, or does this look like a fake out to more experienced traders?  Thanks for your input.

All the news seems to


Posted by mdgfain on 11th of May 2016 at 02:22 pm

All the news seems to be about malls suffering, but online shopping thriving. That may have something to do with it. 

I was thinking the same


Posted by mdgfain on 6th of May 2016 at 04:06 pm

I was thinking the same thing, with right shoulder needing to form.  Sold my SWKS puts for a 36% gain.  Configuration similar and will look to buy them back after a bounce.

Matt, question for education, please.  MA's are down sloping and price was underneath the 5 and 9, so would you anticipate a bounce to the 9?  Or since the SLOW STO is so oversold, would  a several day bounce make more sense?   Thanks.  

Wiise Words


Posted by mdgfain on 6th of May 2016 at 08:41 am

Wise words, Sbaxman.  Thanks!

ThankS, Mia. Bought a few


Posted by mdgfain on 3rd of May 2016 at 10:41 am

ThankS, Mia. Bought a few calls. 


SWKS Short Updated View

Posted by mdgfain on 18th of Apr 2016 at 09:45 am

Looks like SWKS is breaking down out of the wedge. Time to buy puts?  Already oversold on the intraday charts, but could embed along the baseline. Thoughts?  I do plan to short it but would appreciate advice on timing. Thanks. 


SWKS Short Updated View

Posted by mdgfain on 16th of Apr 2016 at 02:20 pm

Earnings 4/28/16.


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