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Capital is moving from Euro into USD.

Thank you for your posting,

ES 20, 15, 10 min charts

Posted by junkie on 29th of Oct 2015 at 06:03 am

Thank you for your posting, Matt! It would have  played out even on longer time frames, the market is down 9 points now from the close. I work till 5pm, I would have entered a trade with given numbers for a sell, stop and target; I waited till after 5pm and the opportunity vanished after futures reopened.

the price gapped down. What's

ES 20, 15, 10 min charts

Posted by junkie on 28th of Oct 2015 at 06:12 pm

the price gapped down. What's a target for this trade? I have 2078.50.

thank you for posting this, May highs should stand intact for now, then.

Matt,  please let me know how you like Windows 10 after you've used it for a few days.

Please contact me directly (via

SPY systems

Posted by junkie on 14th of Oct 2015 at 04:48 pm

Please contact me directly (via a p.m.), as I was not included in that e-mail.

To clarify: not the professional

SPY systems

Posted by junkie on 14th of Oct 2015 at 04:45 pm

To clarify: not the professional ES system, but a daily ES system.

is your ES daily system

SPY systems

Posted by junkie on 14th of Oct 2015 at 04:21 pm

is your ES daily system also closing its short today?

will it resell higher again? Your other ES system is still short, I believe.

I heed your point, Matt:

ES Daily View

Posted by junkie on 13th of Oct 2015 at 09:50 am

I heed your point, Matt: I trade futures instead of a cash index. I did not add to my short position after the ramp up of futures after the close -- waiting for 61% retracement at 2032 cash-- and did not take a buy stop at 2001.50 on Dec15 as the risk/reward was not great.

what happened before is that

ES Daily View

Posted by junkie on 13th of Oct 2015 at 09:31 am

what happened before is that a low of the previous candle was exceeded, and the price went back to the highs to provide for a much better entry on the short side on daily ES charts.

thank you much, Steve! This

ES 15 View

Posted by junkie on 13th of Oct 2015 at 09:30 am

thank you much, Steve! This is exactly what I was asking for!

are there any known targets

ES Daily View

Posted by junkie on 13th of Oct 2015 at 09:17 am

are there any known targets for this drop, based on this chart?

If the pattern holds, it would set a retest of MA(200) at 2061 over time. There is little resistance between the today's close and that area. $NYMO is sky high at the moment though.

Can you please update when

ES system also went short today

Posted by junkie on 8th of Oct 2015 at 05:17 pm

Can you please update when the non-pro does its second entry? I am not following the pro version directly, I was tempted to close my entry from yesterday for a profit but I decided to hold on to it, as my first entry was too low. I tried entering today at 2000 with a tight stop and was stopped out. It looks like trading gods want to see 2019 again before reversing Laughing

Matt, will your ES professional system re-enter shorts again at the close today?

Matt, is there a way

ES system also went short today

Posted by junkie on 8th of Oct 2015 at 11:43 am

Matt, is there a way to know what both systems are doing in real time? I like the logic for your 20-contract system. Did you happen to have a 3-contract system version as well? Thanks for an update!

Too many we looking into

ES bounced right off the 5 EMA

Posted by junkie on 7th of Oct 2015 at 11:29 am

Too many we looking into the same thing as I did then. I can't trade intraday, and MA(50) is a known target. As I recall ema(65) on ES daily  charts served as a resistance last time, I don't have a chart in front of me now to tell.

And it's all right to be confident :-)

I have been doing the

ES bounced right off the 5 EMA

Posted by junkie on 7th of Oct 2015 at 10:57 am

I have been doing the same thing manually (selling high and covering bits lower) along this trade myself. This strategy works. I am doing this in small bits, but I might be able to sell a third ES contract at my target point (I will sell my second ES mini contract today EOD). Thanks for your input!

Thank you for your "Freudian" slip with posting a wrong chart, Matt :-) I am interested in seeing what your pro ES system is doing, and your chart explained.

For this trade type, is your system likely to buy its last position and the market is still going further before it reverses? I saw this pattern on your previous trades. It's not a concern for me, but I might do a better entry manually if my hunch is validated. I am expecting to see the last FOMC day's high exceeded.


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