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That bear flag played out on the futures, 7 points down was its measured move.

There is no problem, Matt.

SPY systems important note

Posted by junkie on 6th of Oct 2015 at 11:13 am

There is no problem, Matt. SPY is to test its MA(50), and that would be a good second entry for the SPY system. It would average up and make up for an early first entry. Entering a limit sell order should work.

If you could send an e-mail with your comments on the price or suggested action, it would help many.

I took a second short entry near the close yesterday and closed it on a pullback, as I still expect higher prices.

What's a trade type for this trade short?

Thank you for your input,


Posted by junkie on 2nd of Oct 2015 at 01:56 pm

Thank you for your input, Steve! I am looking for a reversal in bonds, like we had in August for a long-term swing. I admit I am probably a bit early, but am being patient.

Thank you, Steve. But what


Posted by junkie on 2nd of Oct 2015 at 01:35 pm

Thank you, Steve. But what is a good trigger to sell? Going back into the pattern, as a failed breakout? Sorry, I am fumbling here.

30-year bonds are posting a

Posted by junkie on 2nd of Oct 2015 at 01:17 pm

30-year bonds are posting a reversal today. Steve, could you comment on a potential setup here? The size of the daily candle today on $TYX is too long.

Thank you, Matt: it's been

Futures this evening

Posted by junkie on 30th of Sep 2015 at 10:28 am

Thank you, Matt: it's been a profitable trade! I took only one ES contract, and should have taken two and sold one on a bounce to provide me with a cushion. This is obvious in the retrospect.

My concern was about where to put a stop in case the market had gone lower. Stops are not part of your system, but I could not convince myself that I could let the trade go against me because it was counter-trend and in the bear (corrective) market. I would have re-entered lower, of course, if stopped out.

nevermind, the answers to my

Futures this evening

Posted by junkie on 30th of Sep 2015 at 08:32 am

nevermind, the answers to my questions were in last night's newsletter.

thank you for a trade.

Futures this evening

Posted by junkie on 30th of Sep 2015 at 05:53 am

thank you for a trade. Where would you have entered a trade on a doji for a good risk/reward? One point above the doji? And your stop would have gone below that doji?

Matt, I have taken that long on ES, please post when the trade is closed.

There are several pointers showing close parallels to August - October 2011 and now. Your SPY long trade was also closed when a similar condition to 2011 occurred. Thanks for posting the results of your comparison!

which video(s) are you recommending

Posted by junkie on 8th of Sep 2015 at 05:44 pm

which video(s) are you recommending to watch? Only this one?

REPLY: Watch as many as you find beneficial.

Is the symmetry broken on

SPX 10 Update

Posted by junkie on 24th of Aug 2015 at 02:03 pm

Is the symmetry broken on the move up yet? It looks to me that it is.

There was no washout on

Hardly inspiring

Posted by junkie on 20th of Aug 2015 at 09:24 am

There was no washout on PM like in March 2009 on major stock indexes yet. Most of the breaks of support or resistance are tested, so a current bounce is merely a retest.

Are there any agri indexes

Agri ....

Posted by junkie on 4th of Aug 2015 at 07:36 am

Are there any agri indexes that do not decay (and will not decay over the course of 3 years)?

A close for SPY at

SPY Ver 2 and SPY RSI 2 went long

Posted by junkie on 27th of Jul 2015 at 04:16 pm

A close for SPY at 206.74 means there is no second entry today?

thank you for the follow-up on the trade, Matt!

Out of curiosity, what was the indicator at the bottom that turned green and seemingly gave an exit signal?


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