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A measured move from this

SPY 5 Updated View

Posted by junkie on 24th of Mar 2023 at 04:10 pm

A measured move from this wedge is up to 399.2, not yet achieved.

I saw no exhaustion selling on a momentum reading either. Only a muted moved down and a reversal up off what could be deemed a logical place to induce a bounce. Short-term MAs are still pointing up. A squeeze continues.

Edit:  Gold seems to believe that something is being implemented behind the scenes.

fredsaid, are you shorting this move? I am not convinced that the bottom of the move down is in, but a bounce could continue higher and into Monday.

April 2nd, that is. I see a similar scenario at play. The drop will be delayed till April.

I would wait for the

QQQ are in a tricky spot here

Posted by junkie on 24th of Mar 2023 at 11:28 am

I would wait for the close to determine. I am waiting for a big drop and a reversal, some 400 /NQ points lower.

Try an SLV short. It should be easier on you!

Chicago wheat is now up

Posted by junkie on 24th of Mar 2023 at 10:02 am

Chicago wheat is now up by 40 cents, lean hogs are up by $1 from yesterday's close. Blame the options expiration for the low!

The measured target on the

Posted by junkie on 24th of Mar 2023 at 09:56 am

The measured target on the bearish falling wedge on SPX has not been met yet (or almost met):

Crude oil /CL is doing

Posted by junkie on 24th of Mar 2023 at 07:55 am

Crude oil /CL is doing a retest of its low and setting up another buying opportunity.

Based on the measured target

Posted by junkie on 23rd of Mar 2023 at 04:44 pm

Based on the measured target from the bearish falling wedge on a 30-minute chart, 3900 (4000-100) should be achieved tomorrow. A link is 

Lean hogs are unchanged for

Posted by junkie on 23rd of Mar 2023 at 01:49 pm

Lean hogs are unchanged for the day after a spike down. Chicago wheat futures are slightly positive and inside yesterday's candle.

steve, that might have been related to the options expiry of the March contract. Somebody wants to buy wheat very cheaply.

On a related note, lean hogs are diving and are setting for a buy too:

It looks like a-b-c up has been completed. Another corrective move to the upside, based on the deep retracement in the last hour. The bullish view is still possible, however is unlikely.

This is wave 3 off the last week's low, being completed.

Edit: yesterday's low must hold for the count to stay valid.

A replay of early February Tuesday with a 40 point spike, but on a much smaller scale?

The rate hike is 25 bps.

Gold looks like a mid-way

Posted by junkie on 22nd of Mar 2023 at 10:06 am

Gold looks like a mid-way consolidation still shy of my buy point. The minimal target $1936 was met at night.

Chicago wheat dropped about 40

Posted by junkie on 22nd of Mar 2023 at 10:04 am

Chicago wheat dropped about 40 cents since Monday. I am looking for a double bottom and a chance to add there, if confirmed.

This pullback in GLD should

GLD Updated View

Posted by junkie on 21st of Mar 2023 at 01:53 pm

This pullback in GLD should be bought. My buy target is 1932 on /GC for a likely low. 1936 is a minimal target for this pullback.

There is no divergence at the high on the daily chart. The all-time high should be retested next.


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