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Matt, you comments are noted.

shows cycles and demark

Posted by junkie on 29th of Mar 2023 at 11:24 am

Matt, you comments are noted. Thank you. I do not have a tradingview account. Is there a version of that script for Think-or-Swim (ToS), which is free of charge? I believe that DeMark indicator is available in ToS.

fresaid, I am leery of overnight gaps after a down day, which have become a norm. Clearly, buying is discouraged, and impulsive buying after a gap is encouraged. The reverse side of that is a professional selling near highs without disturbing the market price. Hence, I am not looking for much upside in April with an exception of a big spike on the news to stop out retail short holders.

I would focus on trading a failed breakout to the upside on /NQ to get short, and a good dip in gold, and perhaps platinum.

Thanks for the update, Matt.

shows cycles and demark

Posted by junkie on 29th of Mar 2023 at 11:08 am

Thanks for the update, Matt. This market is very difficult to day trade because of overnight gaps without knowing this information!

Chicago wheat is powering up

Posted by junkie on 29th of Mar 2023 at 09:01 am

Chicago wheat is powering up higher after taking 700 resistance level overnight on the front month contract. My target is above 800 based on the cycle work. A temporary seasonal top is reached in late April or early May.

Soybean meal will be another buy. It bounced of its support (a demand zone) and rallied. I am aiming at 425 level as the low of the year, if we could get there. The chart is here.

The EMA(4) on /NQ is pointing down now, while EMA(9) is slightly up. You could see that the price dropped, i.e. a sell-off occurred, when the same happened in the past for a substantial drop. The screenshot is attached.

Thank you, Matt! I was referring to 15-minute charts, which is most sensitive and gives an early indication of a trend change. A stochastic-based indicator indicates more downside. I was careful because /GC does not give you good entries that you may expect in other markets (high demand, in other words).

Re: cycle support and resistance on 130-minute GC. Do you include a lower time frame calculation in those lines? Or is it only the time frame on the picture? Your cycle support and resistance lines work amazingly well!

5 waves down on /GC

Posted by junkie on 27th of Mar 2023 at 02:57 pm

5 waves down on /GC from the last week's high is complete on 15-minute charts. Wave A down on the daily chart could be completed, or it may take another low to be completed. I lean towards the latter outcome.

The signal (a lower close) came on the weekly chart. A good daily bounce has happened so far, I am waiting for lower prices into the options expiration on the April contract and a quarterly close.

Steve, do you see a

QQQ 15

Posted by junkie on 27th of Mar 2023 at 01:56 pm

Steve, do you see a symmetric triangle on QQQ, which you depicted, as a consolidation before an attempted break-out to the upside? Or as a topping pattern?

Gold bounced off the demand

Posted by junkie on 27th of Mar 2023 at 11:30 am

Gold bounced off the demand area 1940-46 on the front month contract. It could be doing an a-b-c corrective move. I can only count 3 waves to the downside so far from the last week's high.

1933 is still a target for /GC April contract for me. The weekly chart of /GC gave a buy signal last week exceeding a prior high.

The end of the quarter is looming, and many are watching for a quarterly close number. A close above the breakout line will indicate higher prices in the second quarter and more upside.


Commenting on posts from the weekend - The type of ...

Posted by junkie on 26th of Mar 2023 at 11:31 pm
Title: EW

Quad asset allocation chart from


Posted by junkie on 26th of Mar 2023 at 10:19 pm

Quad asset allocation chart from this video is posted and saved for a further reference. It gives a guide for asset allocation depending on the market condition. Now we are in Quad 4. You can confirm that by weak energy and strong gold.

Knowing this chart removes a lot of guess work out of consideration. This chart is for intermediate and advanced levels of investors. 


Posted by junkie on 26th of Mar 2023 at 08:54 pm
Title: SPX

Steve, could you please share


Posted by junkie on 26th of Mar 2023 at 03:32 pm

Steve, could you please share weekly levels for /NQ too? Thanks in advance!

rbreese, That is one scenario. A less likely scenario is a move lower based on on some geopolitical events in Europe. Martin Armstrong has week of April 10 as one of his important weeks for markets. I see crude oil finishing a bottom and setting up a seasonal rally into June-July. Many called about $130 per barrel for 2023. We are likely near the lows of the year. I see an end-of-trend on /GC on 4-hour charts, but nothing on daily. The monthly chart of gold is in a squeeze providing a fuel for the phase transition.

Thus, crude oil up, gold up, commodities basing, stocks unchanged or lower is that less likely outcome. Indexes have moved higher only because of FANG stocks.

Keep your powder dry for crude and gold. The risk to reward ratio is big!

A possible phase transition in

Posted by junkie on 26th of Mar 2023 at 09:16 am

A possible phase transition in rally in gold, according to Martin Armstrong could be in the cards. As part of that scenario, I do not rule out a large fake move down, followed by a slingshot move up into all-time highs, and beyond.

A good video  is about

Posted by junkie on 26th of Mar 2023 at 01:02 am

A good video  is about how to identify a false breakout and how to trade it to the downside: 

Matt, I pulled market capitalization of US traded stocks. 88% of them are large cap, and 3% are small cap stocks. Small caps lead when they are very oversold. The chart you showed indicates that small caps are still expensive, so more selling will be needed for them to become oversold.

Another good piece from the


Posted by junkie on 25th of Mar 2023 at 04:48 pm

Another good piece from the world geopolitics: 

Tom Luongo ( )  has the best take on what's happening that I've heard so far.

 His hypothesis--which definitely seems to fit all the visible  evidence--is that we are seeing a giant war unfolding between the George Soros Globalist Trotskyist JeÕ¡s (fronted by the Davos/WEF, the ECB, and the Biden administration) and the Wall Street Banks (fronted by Fed  Reserve Chair Jay Powell). Tom says that, as hard as it is to believe,  Powell and the non-globalist faction of Wall Street bankers who put  Powell into power, are the good guys here.

 That is why you are seeing such a sharp divide between Yellen and  Powell becoming obvious right now--because they are working at cross  purposes. Yellen (like Bernanke before her) is working on behalf of the  Globalist Trotskyist JeÕ¡s, with a goal of collapsing the US commercial  banking system in order to bring it under control of the  Soros/Davos/WEF/ECB Axis of Evil. Powell is working on behalf of the  Wall Street banks, who don't want to see their industry destroyed and  made subordinate to the Globalist Trotskyist JeÕ¡s who have taken control of Europe (and taken political control of the US after Biden illegally  seized power in 2020).

 Luongo also says that there is method to Powell's madness right now.  He says that Powell's plan to raise rates and maintain QT (or at least  do QE to the absolute minimum) will eventually bear fruit as it will  draw foreign capital into the US which will stabilize the US banks,  and collapse the European banking system which is a house of cards. This seems counterintuitive because raising rates kinda got us into this  mess, but that was an unavoidable short-term consequence. In the  medium-term, higher rates will help recapitalize the US banks--and more  importantly, cripple the Soros/Davos/WEF/ECB Axis of Evil


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