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morton, thanks for sharing JCP


Posted by isplat on 25th of Mar 2013 at 09:50 am

morton, thanks for sharing JCP a while back... dropping nicely! Laughing

Full height of H&S measures

SPX 30 min

Posted by isplat on 19th of Mar 2013 at 01:18 pm

Full height of H&S measures approx. 13 handles. 1550 (neckline) - 13 = 1537 = S2 roughly. Looks like an objective target.


Posted by isplat on 7th of Mar 2013 at 03:25 pm

some serious resistance here at 1545 - 1545.50

Unbelievable indeed - other headlines

Posted by isplat on 7th of Mar 2013 at 12:20 pm

Unbelievable indeed - other headlines include:

"Sarah Palin Appointed Visiting Scholar at Harvard", and

"Pope Benedict Comes Out as Gay"


SPX 5 min

Posted by isplat on 5th of Mar 2013 at 12:47 pm

60 Stoch been over 80 since yesterday; MACD rcycling back to 0, and price coming down towards 50 SMA; maybe anothzer move up later today, and then a pullback tomorrow?

Hi Matt, nice pick on

BAX follow up

Posted by isplat on 5th of Mar 2013 at 10:42 am

Hi Matt, nice pick on BAX. What would be an objective target here... from the low at 65.89 to break point at 69.35 is roughly 3.50

Would a target of 69.35 + 3.50 = 72.80ish be realistic?

Many thanks.

Food for thought there, kalinm, excellent analysis, thanks very much!

... and the MAs bunching

SPX 5 min

Posted by isplat on 8th of Feb 2013 at 02:07 pm

... and the MAs bunching up right below the price.

SPX 5 min

Posted by isplat on 8th of Feb 2013 at 01:42 pm

flagging, 60 stoch above 80 all day, MACD recycled to almost zero... looks like a good chance of a pop up soon.

SPX 5 min

Posted by isplat on 5th of Feb 2013 at 12:20 pm

has a bull flag look to it... would make a nice divergent high if it were to pop up to R2 at 1520-ish.

SPX 5 min

Posted by isplat on 29th of Jan 2013 at 11:29 am

popped out of its ascending triangle. Measured move to about 1510 or so? Matt, any comments?

Update : Apple is reporting revenue of $54.51 billion, and EPS of $13.87 per share.

Despite what appeared to be a trade-halt notice, the shares are still changing in after hours, currently down $24.31, or almost 4%, at $489.63.

The company sold  47.8 million iPhones in the quarter, missing the most bullish estimates for 47.8 million, and sold  22.9 million iPads, roughly in line with most estimates.


Looks like AAPL disappointed -

Posted by isplat on 23rd of Jan 2013 at 04:32 pm

Looks like AAPL disappointed - anyone have the results yet?

jeeeepers, who just reported???

Posted by isplat on 22nd of Jan 2013 at 04:18 pm

futures spiking!

edit: ok, so that was GOOG, I asume...

plus divergent high on SPX and 60 Stochastic on 5 min been over 80 all day... recipe for a pullback, at least.


OOOPS - got beaten to it  Smile

Bundesbank Official Statement On Gold Repatriation

Posted by isplat on 16th of Jan 2013 at 11:56 am
Title: from Zerohedge

thanks hazbin1, the Java security

virus alert

Posted by isplat on 11th of Jan 2013 at 03:27 pm

thanks hazbin1, the Java security problem is very real, according to several authoritative sources. Best to at least deactivate Jave Plugin, or even better uninstall compltetely until the patch is available.

There is also a security problem with Flash Player - please check that you have installed the latest version 11.5.502.146.


Posted by isplat on 3rd of Jan 2013 at 10:35 am

heading for another divergent high?

SPX 5min

Posted by isplat on 21st of Dec 2012 at 12:49 pm

divergence... will it play out?


Posted by isplat on 20th of Dec 2012 at 09:37 am

another goodie! Thanks Matt & Steve.


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