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SPX primary pivot and 50%

Posted by isplat on 29th of Mar 2012 at 03:54 pm

SPX primary pivot and 50% fib nicely aligned - acting like a magnet.

Tom, you meant to type "100%

Posted by isplat on 6th of Mar 2012 at 04:10 pm


you meant to type "100% LONGas of the close 3/6 at $134.75", surely... or am I missing something?

thanks Steve

DOW vs SP500

Posted by isplat on 20th of Jan 2012 at 10:10 am

thanks Steve

DOW vs SP500

Posted by isplat on 20th of Jan 2012 at 10:05 am

What heavyweights are pushing the DJIA into positive territory, whilst the SP500 is negative?

thanks Steve. Damn, got sidetracked

SPX 30 H&S ?

Posted by isplat on 19th of Dec 2011 at 03:15 pm

thanks Steve. Damn, got sidetracked and missed the breakdown!  Embarassed

SPX 30 H&S ?

Posted by isplat on 19th of Dec 2011 at 03:01 pm

I know that H&S is usually seen as a trend-ending , rather than a continuation  pattern, but this does seem to have a nice symmetry to it. Comments would be greatly appreciated.

I second that - rp

Posted by isplat on 30th of Nov 2011 at 02:15 pm

I second that - rp is a scholar and a gentleman (ok, so I reversed the order!).

Seriously though, rp, your well-thought-through posts and charts are a great  boon to this community. Thank you, most sincerely!

Rumours of a 6.1 quake

Posted by isplat on 23rd of Nov 2011 at 02:38 pm

Rumours of a 6.1 quake in Tokyo, not confirmed ...

not that that's really a catastrophic event in a place like Japan, being built to handle that kind of thing.

Good one, touché!  Wink

 I sincerely hope you're not  an education or journalism major...


"I take that personal"



Palladin LOL... Well said!


Posted by isplat on 21st of Nov 2011 at 02:11 pm

Palladin LOL... Well said!

EURUSD testing 1.35, SPX bear


Posted by isplat on 21st of Nov 2011 at 02:00 pm

EURUSD testing 1.35, SPX bear flag broken down, it would seem. Keeping stops tight, though.


Posted by isplat on 21st of Nov 2011 at 01:36 pm

Looks like a bear flag with MACD recycling to zero.

The Spanish election result is

Spanish elections....

Posted by isplat on 18th of Nov 2011 at 03:34 pm

The Spanish election result is already baked into the market: There is no chance of the Socialists winning. The Partido Popular (conservatives) will win - not that that'll make one jot of a difference to the state of Spain's economy.

Matt, the 1 min 200

SPY 1 min bounced off 200 SMA

Posted by isplat on 11th of Nov 2011 at 01:43 pm

Matt, the 1 min 200 SMA working like a charm here!  Smile


does anyone...

Posted by isplat on 3rd of Nov 2011 at 02:42 pm


Replace "10" with "2" or "5" for shorter-dated paper.

Sorry all, that was a

Datafeed problems

Posted by isplat on 31st of Oct 2011 at 04:49 pm

Sorry all, that was a stupid post - I forgot that you chaps in the US haven't changed your clocks yet!

Datafeed problems

Posted by isplat on 31st of Oct 2011 at 04:28 pm

US data feed seems to be down at my broker as well as Stockcharts, European and FX feeds working. Can anyone confirm, please?

Thanks rp, as ever your

Posted by isplat on 31st of Oct 2011 at 02:27 pm

Thanks rp, as ever your input here is superb. Please keep the great charts coming!

Chartboy, thanks for that -


Posted by isplat on 23rd of Sep 2011 at 04:05 pm

Chartboy, thanks for that - this is the kind of info that really helps a trader like me, who fancies himself as "not quite a greenhorn anymore", but certainly not as wily as the real pro's. Any pointers/links for further eading on this topic would be great.


Matt, Steve, yet another example of why this is such a superb website, service and trading community spirit!

Thanks to all, and have a safe, restful weekend.


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