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This is becoming my new


Posted by fundamentalvalues on 21st of Jul 2021 at 12:21 pm

This is becoming my new favorite indicator. Thanks for continuing to providing this Matt!

my BODY position I mentioned in the morning last Wednesday getting some love today, sets up well

makes sense performance wise vs. SPX given the "delta variant" narrative that's being sold by the media today...that would bode well for ARKK names

Thanks for your work Matt! Great call earlier on that extreme tick at 4,234, it allowed me to enter at the better price. Let's go

$SPX with the coming tech

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 19th of Jul 2021 at 10:33 am

$SPX with the coming tech earnings and 50 day test, setting up really nice for a reversion to mean trade. Great notes on the tech earnings coming soon..Matt had that out in the newsletter last week and again over the weekend

That was a perfect 50 day test. I agree, looks like a great risk/reward for a trade. Can easily put a stop around today's lows

I had the same and called it a blowoff top for swing trades and beyond until evidence changes. Dan is one of the best in the business. 

$SPX 4,320.82 and 4,241.84 gaps

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 19th of Jul 2021 at 10:25 am

$SPX 4,320.82 and 4,241.84 gaps have filled. Stairs up, elevator down as usual. Watching for a reversion to mean trade once a low is put in. 

There are gaps at 4,155.86 and 4,115.68 next on the downside. And the upside gap is now at 4,327.16 from Friday's close. I have been very successful using gaps over the years for overall risk/reward sets ups. Has made and saved me a lot of money. They are part of my regular tracking/trading plans.

$SPX 4,320.82 and 4,241.84 gaps

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 19th of Jul 2021 at 10:25 am

$SPX 4,320.82 and 4,241.84 gaps have filled. Stairs up, elevator down as usual. Watching for a reversion to mean trade once a low is put in. 

There are gaps at 4,155.86 and 4,115.68 next on the downside. And the upside gap is now at 4,327.16 from Friday's close. I have been very successful using gaps over the years for overall risk/reward sets ups. Has made and saved me a lot of money. They are part of my regular tracking/trading plans.

I've been using these for

TICK pivots

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 16th of Jul 2021 at 08:50 am

I've been using these for a good while, Matt. Thanks for continuing to provide them. Those pivots are typically a very good risk/reward for trading. Also, great coverage on the backdrop, noting the upcoming earnings, etc. 

$BODYSubscriber growth very interesting here, 3.2 million subs up from 1.9 million in March 2020, 42% y/y digital subs growth, 96% digital retention. Shaq O'Neal and MLK III involved here with investment. 

I got long in a starter position yesterday in warrants when the stock got taken down to the lows near $8.50s. My strategy is to build my position if any further weakness occurs until I achieve my allocation dollar goal. If it doesn't go lower, I will keep what I have and ride higher. I have a long term horizon here. Wouldn't likely sell my position in full until it goes over $20 per share. Recent interview from June 28th with the CEO when they went public:

Thanks for the charts Matt! There is a gap at 4,320.82 on the $SPX cash. Watching that area as well. 

I remember Altimeter's 3.5 million shares being a 5% ownership stake in the company. Janus has even more than them over 5.1 million shares and recently added it separately to some of their other fund strategies. Stanley Druckenmiller started a position a bit back too. He is an amazing investor. I'm sure you know who he is.  

Glad to share. I can't recall if I shared some of the recent tute buying information or not. Here is some

The vote to approve the business combination is on July 29th. There was also a recent $15 price target initiated that I posted on a bit back as well as the recent major tute buying. Buying means one thing, the buyers believe there is opportunity to make money. I continue to be long warrants. 

SPX, gotta love how the

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 9th of Jul 2021 at 02:21 pm

SPX, gotta love how the 4,358s upside gap filled today. Has to be making the bears livid at this point. I just sold some of a leveraged trade at the 4,364s area I put on yesterday when they gapped it down below 4,300. The best inflation trade you can make is to buy the SPX on dips, I prefer significant dips so I can hold a long swing for big gains..just like the recent corona crash allowed for, another chance this year was the March dip. 

The world would have to be ending for the SPX trade to not work long term when buying the good dips and then money doesn't matter anyway. The gloom and doom trade has significantly underperformed long term. The numbers are staggering. And I believe not worth it because you have to be a pessimist by nature, which doesn't pay even if it actually did in terms of dollars. I prefer buying low and selling high in pieces and just having more cash as prices rise. I like the DVT as you can keep raising stops on long term money as well. No need to give back huge gains ever. 

Thanks Steve! There are gaps in the SPX cash index at 4,297.51, 4,241.84, and 4,155.86 if things get going...a few below that too

QQQ really wondering if this

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 8th of Jul 2021 at 07:41 am

QQQ really wondering if this was a blow off top as very few in the mainstream sources seem to be talking about any bearish possibilities anymore. The last 24-25 days trend up in a straight line. Who knows, I'm ready either way. Steve just covered a few days ago about watching that 4,275 on SPX as well which opens more selling doors. I'll be hand sitting today

Great comments in the newsletter,

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 7th of Jul 2021 at 07:17 am

Great comments in the newsletter, very helpful reminder for planning. Thanks Steve


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