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Wow, that is a big

Get out of Ford LOL

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 2nd of Aug 2021 at 09:03 pm

Wow, that is a big sample size. I'm marking my calendar to look again in some months. Would be great to see it get very oversold for a swing buy, possibly some calls. Thanks for sharing Matt

Would be nice to get down into that gap area near the 4,367 (130) green line on the chart to start. I hedged against the spike above resistance today and then sold it when we filled the gap from Friday's close 4,395. No man's land here now until I see some more evidence 

Looks like a h&s pattern setting up, maybe we will get some downside soon if they allow it

Fear & Greed Index, interesting

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 2nd of Aug 2021 at 08:34 am

Fear & Greed Index, interesting readings with market momo at greed levels, everything else at neutral or fear levels:

I'm keeping it simple rather than try and guess the future. Risk/reward, trim/trail

Howard Marks latest Memo: Thinking

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 1st of Aug 2021 at 07:09 am

Howard Marks latest Memo: Thinking about Macro

One of the few letters I read as there is great information on how to think about markets and life lessons. 

This is what I follow the most, best risk/reward for buys/sells. Thanks for continuing to post it Matt, I like the date/timestamps too, so good

$SPX upside gap on watch

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 29th of Jul 2021 at 09:36 am

$SPX upside gap on watch to fill at 4,422.30 

I haven't kept up fundamentally with the sector as it has taken so long..thanks for pointing out the chart, risk/reward much better here now to consider it. No position 

keep FXI on the list

China article

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 28th of Jul 2021 at 08:14 am

keep FXI on the list as an idea to watch, currently very oversold

Joby Completes Flight of More

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 28th of Jul 2021 at 07:03 am

Joby Completes Flight of More Than 150 Miles with Electric Vertical Take-Off Air Taxi

Flight completed during developmental flight testing

Longest ‘eVTOL’ flight to date

Business combination vote date is August 5th. Stock symbol is RTP. I'm long warrants, RTP.WS, better value to buy when they got taken down again recently. 

My strategy update: I made

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 27th of Jul 2021 at 08:06 am

My strategy update: I made some changes yesterday on the close to one of our long term accounts. I'm now at a 30% allocation there in stocks via large cap equities (S&P 500 type fund). I moved to a 70% allocation when the market crashed in 2020. This has pretty much been my strategy over the years and it has taken great patience, though saved/made a lot of money. I was elated to get a green close yesterday. My goal is to never give back significant profits.

We do some other things regularly as habits, like buying on sale when we grocery shop or buying in bulk on certain items, purchase clothing, pretty much anything if it makes sense from a time/money perspective. It adds up over time. 

In my other strategy, trading has added regular additional income to our household. My third strategy has a car fund/house fund, both of which I buy growth stocks on significant pullbacks and sell on significant rips higher (this can take months or years depending on the stock or fund I'm using). Its a modified dollar cost averaging strategy, much better because of the discount purchase prices. This is money we can get to without bothering our long term and IRA funds, a backup to our emergency fund so to speak. 

In terms of savings after our budget is fulfilled, we are organized in 3 buckets: Emergency funds, car/house funds, and finally long term funds (IRAs, TSP). 

Thanks for the great shares here on what you are up to. Thanks Matt & Steve for your daily hard work. 

Fantastic work! Enjoy your vacation! 

went big into eod, easily clearing that 50 day on volume. 3 large candles higher since I first posted it


I would be willing to have the view that we drop 10-15% before we gain another 34% from here though, if I was pushed to have a view. But that's just for fun. The market will tell me what I need to do next

$SPX article just came out

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 22nd of Jul 2021 at 01:14 pm

$SPX article just came out a bit ago. Just a share, I have no long term view, just what the market/stocks tell me through prices. Prices guide my action plan. 

Hedge fund Crescat Capital warns clients S&P 500 could drop 34%

BODY still moving higher. Very

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 22nd of Jul 2021 at 01:00 pm

BODY still moving higher. Very strong on a meh day for the markets. 3 large candles higher since my original post. 

That would seem to align

Up/Down ratio

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 22nd of Jul 2021 at 05:50 am

That would seem to align with the overall seasonality as well and probably fool the most people. Risk/reward, trim and trail no matter what

I think a good idea longer term as well Ed, great post.  WYNN is my favorite of the casino names. "Travel stocks", LUV, RCL, and IHG some of my others. 

Sold my leveraged SPX trade

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 21st of Jul 2021 at 01:37 pm

Sold my leveraged SPX trade via SPXL, $101.95 to $110.52. Entry was thanks to the Extreme tick area that Matt provided!

Openfit was part of this deal. Noticed on the Sam's club site you can sign up for it as part of discounted memberships. Lebron James is part Openfit. Don't forget Shaq and MLK III are investors here as well. A lot of major influencers getting involved

BODY continues higher     my

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 21st of Jul 2021 at 12:23 pm

BODY continues higher     my warrants up another 13.18% at last glance..happy to hold them. I think they will be double digits at some point. 


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