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Yes.  Just covered for a

SPX 5 with Pivots

Posted by frtaylor on 10th of Jan 2013 at 10:35 am

Yes.  Just covered for a gap fill only.  Large position but small move.  If we get a bear flag here in intraday I might go short again or buy a few VIX calls.

I'm playing the open gap

SPX 5 with Pivots

Posted by frtaylor on 10th of Jan 2013 at 10:23 am

I'm playing the open gap w/ sso for a quick trade.  Make sense?  Stop at 64.

Yeah, I got pretty much


Posted by frtaylor on 9th of Jan 2013 at 09:56 pm

Yeah, I got pretty much the whole move - bought yesterday, sold today!

Nice 2-day trade, thanks!

VOLC Update

Posted by frtaylor on 9th of Jan 2013 at 11:19 am

Nice 2-day trade, thanks!

AAPL continues to be weak.

Posted by frtaylor on 9th of Jan 2013 at 10:13 am

AAPL continues to be weak.

THINLY traded!


Posted by frtaylor on 9th of Jan 2013 at 10:12 am

THINLY traded!

ARNA some selling

Posted by frtaylor on 9th of Jan 2013 at 10:11 am

pretty high volume selling.  Got stopped out of my remaining 1/2.

Took 1/2 off @ 5.70 

ROSG starting to move

Posted by frtaylor on 9th of Jan 2013 at 09:36 am

Took 1/2 off @ 5.70  Money mouth

ROSG up pre-market

ROSG starting to move

Posted by frtaylor on 9th of Jan 2013 at 08:43 am

Up about 12% right now - thanks for the idea morton13!  Not sure, but apparently they published an article on cancer that's significant.

I took 1/2 profits today

ARNA - ride 'em!

Posted by frtaylor on 8th of Jan 2013 at 09:20 pm

I took 1/2 profits today at 9.97.

ARNA - ride 'em!

Posted by frtaylor on 8th of Jan 2013 at 01:59 pm

Volume looking really good.  Thanks

VVUS Rumors

Posted by frtaylor on 8th of Jan 2013 at 12:27 pm

Volume looking really good.  Thanks for the trade idea, I bought inside the intraday pennant this morning.

ARNA getting a big boost

VVUS Rumors

Posted by frtaylor on 8th of Jan 2013 at 12:20 pm

ARNA getting a big boost from this news, me thinks.

I posted a chart - it's a 15 min chart.  Hit refresh if you don't see it.  Price hitting the neckline as I type.

AAPL looking like it's turning

Posted by frtaylor on 7th of Jan 2013 at 03:18 pm

AAPL looking like it's turning up - on 5 min chart the volume and price are just now moving up.  Maybe a little inv h&s pattern setting up.

Just sold.  That was a

PPHM - 40% gap up

Posted by frtaylor on 7th of Jan 2013 at 09:49 am

Just sold.  That was a nice one!

Yeah, I kind of figured

AAPL a potential Bear flag?

Posted by frtaylor on 6th of Jan 2013 at 03:57 pm

Yeah, I kind of figured that's what you meant!

I don't see a bear

AAPL a potential Bear flag?

Posted by frtaylor on 6th of Jan 2013 at 03:42 pm

I don't see a bear flag (but I do see one on the 60 min chart, the last 5 hrs).   I see a breakout on 12/31/12 from a downtrend.  The next day (1/2/13) it opened very near the 50dma and turned back down but so far has held the low of 12/27/12.  Note that although the selling was pretty sharp on Friday it stopped at the 20dma.  Dan Fitzpatrick is looking for a higher low imminently, and he will be going long.  Perhaps we get an up candle closing above the 20.  If the volume is decent it might be worth a long.  Stop then would be below the higher low that would form (either of last Friday or the coming days).  

The Bollinger bands are just beginning to pinch together, so a move in one or the other direction is coming.

stopped out of my short

SPX Intraday Views

Posted by frtaylor on 4th of Jan 2013 at 03:32 pm

stopped out of my short SSO at 63.65; re-entered at 63.76, smaller position.  Seems like a correction is very likely, as price has gone from below the lower BB to above the upper in just three days.


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