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No symmetry break yet vs.

SPX 5 min

Posted by frtaylor on 6th of Mar 2015 at 12:51 pm

No symmetry break yet vs. last pullback an hour ago on 5 min chart.

e-minis just went long 15

Reversion to mean startegy

Posted by frtaylor on 6th of Mar 2015 at 11:52 am

e-minis just went long 15 min chart, on penetration of 1/2 of candle. About 2:1 to the 9ema, 4:1 to my standard target of the 20ma.

Great information, thank you. I really want to be settled w/ my final system by paper trading first. I have a couple more questions, so I will pm you.

That's interesting. The system I've been trading is not nearly as extended. to the 9ema is about 1:1, and to the 20ma is about 2:1. 

zenman are you using a 15 min chart? If so, I would think you only get a trade meeting your 3:1 RR setup about 1x a week w/ eminis. Yes? So are you watching a number of instruments to get more trade setups?

Matt, here's a question regarding the new reversion video: how far away from the 5ema is "far enough?" Do you just look at white space, or distance from the close of each green candle? Any kind of objective definition would be most appreciated! (Your new video is a 15 min chart, yes?)

I have a working set of rules for this strategy, and have paper traded 1 contract for 2 weeks. So far, about 8 pts per week w/ e-minis. Taking profits at the 20ma, not the 9ema, however, as most of the time price hits the 20ma. Better profits w/ 20ma so far. Actually, holding until 2 ticks shy of the opposite BB is even more profitable, but not enough data for that trade yet - doesn't hit very often, but big pts when it does.

AMAT - I'm out

Posted by frtaylor on 4th of Mar 2015 at 09:45 am

AMAT not holding the 50ma, went ahead and got out for a loss. Not much holding up this morning!

Bullish over the short term,

intra day index compare

Posted by frtaylor on 26th of Feb 2015 at 04:04 pm

Bullish over the short term, no? With small caps leading.

USO pulling back the last

Crude oil like a roller coaster

Posted by frtaylor on 19th of Feb 2015 at 12:33 pm

USO pulling back the last hour on lighter volume. Volume was really strong on the move up from the open - 4th strongest hour in February.

was stopped out of HAL

Crude oil like a roller coaster

Posted by frtaylor on 19th of Feb 2015 at 11:50 am

was stopped out of HAL only to see it bounce over a point from my stop.

AAPL: 3-push setting up, 1 hr chart

Posted by frtaylor on 19th of Feb 2015 at 10:13 am

See attached. Starting to push up toward that trend line and final 3rd push with, hopefully, negative divergence on the RSI 5.

RTN: daily triangle/coiling

Posted by frtaylor on 16th of Feb 2015 at 07:12 pm

RTN has lagged the aerospace/defense sector quite a bit (compare to PPA or ITA). It's coiled up, w/ a triangle pattern. Could go either way of course, but since it's lagging perhaps the upside break is more favored.

Yeah, I clicked on the


Posted by frtaylor on 13th of Feb 2015 at 05:58 pm

Yeah, I clicked on the wrong blog entry the first time - sorry zenman, I hit your post by accident!

You know, there are plenty


Posted by frtaylor on 13th of Feb 2015 at 02:40 pm

You know, there are plenty of derogatory slogans one could post about capitalism as well. The root of the problem isn't one structure or another per se, but human nature. I don't really care for one-sided slams like this.

Thanks! It's setting up nicely

ETR 60 View

Posted by frtaylor on 13th of Feb 2015 at 09:07 am

Thanks! It's setting up nicely overall. What would you want to see for a daily candle in order to be able to set a trigger on the following day?

ETR - reversion trade (?)

Posted by frtaylor on 12th of Feb 2015 at 09:40 pm

Matt and Steve, here's a chart for you! ETR's daily chart looks like it's setting up for a bounce.

  • 4.5% below the 9ema (farthest excursion at least since 2013)
  • RSI 5 of 17; RSI 14 of 30
  • positive RSI 5 divergence
  • more pronounced RSI 5 divergence on 60 min chart
  • today closed just 1% above the 200ma
  • bollinger band higher relative low - closed inside bands today after 4 consecutive closes outside

my target is the 38.2%

TSLA: intraday bottom?

Posted by frtaylor on 11th of Feb 2015 at 11:10 am

my target is the 38.2% retrace from yesterday's high, which is also the low from two days ago.

TSLA: intraday bottom?

Posted by frtaylor on 11th of Feb 2015 at 11:09 am

Took some TSLA for a day trade. Looks like it hit the intraday bottom.

Although SPX holding the 50ma

50ma hold confirmation

Posted by frtaylor on 11th of Feb 2015 at 10:36 am

Although SPX holding the 50ma yesterday was certainly positive, I am not particularly bullish. This is in part to an Elliott Wave guy I keep an eye on, whose count still calls for a pullback in the next 2-3 weeks down to the lows of the recent consolidation range. In short, lots of volatility and no CLEAR breakout yet means anything could happen. I say this because I would not want anyone to trade based on my original comment.

I think daily - we printed the left side neckline high a couple days ago or else last week. Time to make the head of the inverse head and shoulders by making new lows. ?

Thanks - it's difficult to

50ma hold confirmation

Posted by frtaylor on 10th of Feb 2015 at 03:47 pm

Thanks - it's difficult to remember all the information you guys provide in the newsletters. Thanks for the quick response, I'll also try to refer back to the newsletter as I wonder about such questions.


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