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You could take 1/2 position

systems trades

Posted by frtaylor on 25th of Oct 2022 at 05:04 pm

You could take 1/2 position in the after-hours, and see if maybe there's a better entry in the morning (either pre-open or after the open).

On the 3rd entry, I wonder what the stats would be if you closed the first entry, then immediately buy the same $ amount of the 3x etf that you just sold of 1x etf.  I.e., in addition to the regular 10k UPRO/SPXS 3rd entry. So, on 3rd entries you'd have 10k 2x etf and ~20k 3x etf. I guess I should run the number myself, lol.

Until you can iron out

systems trades

Posted by frtaylor on 25th of Oct 2022 at 04:14 pm

Until you can iron out the kinks, just paper trade. In fact, you can paper trade extended hours trading anytime, just to get the order execution process dialed in. 

Thanks to both. Yeah, the transports should make for a good short on a pattern, given  the likelihood of a recession. Maybe on the C wave bounce the IYT will go up to the top of the bear flag for a good entry.

Steve, would you comment on

Posted by frtaylor on 21st of Oct 2022 at 09:15 am

Steve, would you comment on the transports daily chart? To me it looks terrible, like a textbook bear flag, especially compared to the other sectors and the market indices. OTOH, it did not make a new low like the market did on Oct 13.

NTAP has been selling off

Market comments

Posted by frtaylor on 18th of Oct 2022 at 10:24 am

NTAP has been selling off on volume, after opening up.  Could watch for a trigger on a 15 minute chart to go short. Right now it's down to the 9ema and 20ma so it might bounce.

What are you charting? NDX on TOS doesn't show a gap.

MMMM - emerging from its

Posted by frtaylor on 1st of Sep 2021 at 09:34 am

MMMM - emerging from its torpor - up yesterday and at the open.

Higher low on the VIX

Posted by frtaylor on 30th of Aug 2021 at 10:34 am

Higher low on the VIX (so far), divergence vs. SPX.

SPX - biggest bounce of

Posted by frtaylor on 26th of Aug 2021 at 11:13 am

SPX - biggest bounce of the day right here. (Symmetry broken vs. earlier bounce.)

Plus there's a 3-candle shooting star (or doji) pattern that's being formed on that 60 min chart.

Well, the VIX system (separate from the SPY system) triggers long (SPX) when VIX closes inside the Bollinger bands after closing outside them the day before. With the VIX system the confirmation comes on the next day after the inside close, if that day also closes inside.

So, VIX will give a

Posted by frtaylor on 20th of Aug 2021 at 02:18 pm

So, VIX will give a buy SPY signal today just as the SPY and MO systems are closing. Hmm, watch for a Monday morning dip to buy back in? Or maybe I'll  hold 1/2 my SSO using a stop at the halfway point of yesterday's candle. I bought pre-market yesterday, so no loss.

Thanks for pointing that out, I wish I had thought to look at it.

Went long a handful of

Posted by frtaylor on 20th of Aug 2021 at 09:50 am

Went long a handful of shares of BABA when it opened above the midpoint of yesterday's candle. Stop 20c below yesterday's low. We'll see....

Whew! Going against the SPY system, that takes some conviction.

You have a gap down so you're in the green, no worries. I just bought 5k of SSO pre-mkt based on the SPY system and buoyed by the MO readings.

Lots of volume on this

MMMM big move.

Posted by frtaylor on 9th of Aug 2021 at 12:16 pm

Lots of volume on this move. What did you mean, "over the 8k?"


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