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I don't see the stats

SPY systems early notification

Posted by cozz101 on 30th of Sep 2021 at 04:24 pm

I don't see the stats here but can access them under the systems tab. Thanks! 

Thanks for checking; I'll tune

SPY systems

Posted by cozz101 on 28th of Sep 2021 at 01:37 pm

Thanks for checking; I'll tune back in near the end of the day and see if anything has changed with the SPY systems. 

I'm wondering if we might

Posted by cozz101 on 28th of Sep 2021 at 11:58 am

I'm wondering if we might get another SPY system trade today (or McLellan even?)  I see the intraday put call ratio is creeping up:

Nice, took advantage of it; thanks for posting these! 

yes, if it does stay down would hopefully bode well for some nice SPY system trades

To follow up on the

Posted by cozz101 on 22nd of Sep 2021 at 10:04 am

To follow up on the VIX thread, looks like we are falling back into the bollinger bands on the daily. Hopefully a good sign for a little rebound.

I see the VIX possibly

Posted by cozz101 on 21st of Sep 2021 at 03:15 pm

I see the VIX possibly creeping back into the bollinger bands. Maybe if we get a little push higher here we will have follow through tomorrow to the upside? 

I like that idea a lot...will have to take a rain check this time but up for this in the future!  Good luck to us all on the trades!!

Yes, I just had a drink so that I could pull the trigger on the spy, mclellan trades, lol....

I know we have rebounded

Posted by cozz101 on 20th of Sep 2021 at 04:07 pm

I know we have rebounded pretty well but just checking to see if the system has a signal? Or the Mclellan signal? 

Thanks for posting Matt!

SPY systems update

Posted by cozz101 on 17th of Sep 2021 at 04:08 pm

Thanks for posting Matt!

Can you show the stats

SPY systems update

Posted by cozz101 on 17th of Sep 2021 at 02:28 pm

Can you show the stats on the new sub system QE BTS LE1.  Is this the same as QE BTS which I think has always been part of the spy system? 

Thanks for this nice extra trade! I really think this system is a winner. 

Explains the pop going into

MAGS big dividend coming

Posted by cozz101 on 15th of Sep 2021 at 06:52 pm

Explains the pop going into late August! 

Just checked and this site

MAGS big dividend coming

Posted by cozz101 on 15th of Sep 2021 at 06:47 pm

Just checked and this site has it as going ex-div on Aug 30th and payable on Sept 22nd.  Not sure either...

Just checking, any spy system

Posted by cozz101 on 10th of Sep 2021 at 03:37 pm

Just checking, any spy system trades expected this afternoon? 

Nice...ABC type pullback possibly from the early July high and as you noted bounced off the 200dma. Hope this is the start of another leg higher!

I've been following Steve/Matt's advice on this one and keeping a nice core holding but trading around that. Now playing with house money on core and back in for a trade! 

Just noticed from the BPT

Posted by cozz101 on 27th of Aug 2021 at 09:25 am

Just noticed from the BPT charts I bookmark, VOMMA slipped under 110 and right back up. Not sure if that is significant for a pullback but just another indicator showing caution.

I was going to say something about the $NAMO chart. Usually, I am looking to buy the indexes when this happens but wow, like Matt pointed out, barely budged to the downside while the underlying market is doing terribly in many cases. 

Artificial market for sure! 

I think Matt talked about

Posted by cozz101 on 29th of Jul 2021 at 04:58 pm

I think Matt talked about a possible A-B-C pullback on the indexes last night; maybe AMZN will cause Qs to give us a trade?


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