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Thanks Matt, glad to get

SPY / ES system trades

Posted by cozz101 on 18th of Feb 2022 at 04:35 pm

Thanks Matt, glad to get back in a SPY system trade

Good news....thanks for the update!

Onus is on the bulls...   

Get well soon Steve!!

I think you had said crypto seems to be a nice insight to what the market may do! 

Sold my AMD after hours

Posted by cozz101 on 2nd of Feb 2022 at 10:35 am

Sold my AMD after hours yesterday for a nice profit.  Matt/Steve guidance helps mucho!

AMD blew it away for

Posted by cozz101 on 1st of Feb 2022 at 04:42 pm

AMD blew it away for the qtr! Up almost 10% in AH

I wouldn't mind having all

Systems update

Posted by cozz101 on 31st of Jan 2022 at 02:47 pm

I wouldn't mind having all of the subsystems (at least on SPY) send trades separately and then one can choose to trade in smaller increments on the etf portion if necessary since there would be more trades.  I know you said you were considering that. I thought that's how the original system worked but not sure about that. 

I know personally, I prefer certain subsystems over others and that would give the subscriber a choice to trade their preference. 

I'm wondering if we are going to get an end-of-day short covering rally

Okay, sure; I think I can help. I'll PM Sydney.

Now that LMT has had

Posted by cozz101 on 25th of Jan 2022 at 03:58 pm

Now that LMT has had an extended daily move, I looked at this on a weekly and wow, it seems to be in another larger weekly triangle. It may need some consolidation time after the big daily move but this looks interesting. 

Absolutely, now that I have the hang of posting the png charts; I will definitely post others if I see them! 

I posted this chart of

Posted by cozz101 on 25th of Jan 2022 at 03:34 pm

I posted this chart of LMT back in December on an ascending triangle break. It's had a beautiful move and nice value play. Seems like one to continue to watch in this environment. 

Nice volume too! 

Thanks for the updates Matt!

SPX 5 min

Posted by cozz101 on 24th of Jan 2022 at 01:19 pm

Thanks for the updates Matt! It would be nice to rebound a little here and/or form a higher low and then possibly rebound short term. 

Hoping for a Red to

Posted by cozz101 on 21st of Jan 2022 at 08:37 am

Hoping for a Red to Green today....

I can see something similar on SPY with neckline around 447 and right shoulder 470. Can it be that simple?

For those that want to

Posted by cozz101 on 20th of Jan 2022 at 09:15 am

For those that want to take advantage of the lower index prices going into the juicy dividend (about 10-12%), QYLD &  XYLD go ex-div on Monday (from Global website info). 

No guarantees, could go lower just like the indexes but seems low risk for the dividend to me. 


Any first or second SPY

Posted by cozz101 on 19th of Jan 2022 at 03:45 pm

Any first or second SPY system entries today? 

Wow, what a cool chart;

VVIX new chart

Posted by cozz101 on 19th of Jan 2022 at 10:10 am

Wow, what a cool chart; will bookmark it


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