Steve showed the gap from FEB 22. If the 50 is lost there
is the gap below and H&S measured move that is below the gap
along with a break is symmetry. Point being if support is
lost there are numerous targets below.
Thoughts and prayer Matt. Take sometime for yourself and
your family. Everyone grieves differently, take what you
need. It is a day you won't forget. RIP.
Systems are playing out. Earlier this week I remember some
posts about how the current system trade was bad and that the
system trades where ignored in the newsletter. The Stats list
the draw downs and the length of the trades. It was painful
and now the reward if you followed the system and it is still open
so it could still close in the red. Point is Matt has put a
ton of time and effort and has modified the systems when needed.
They work more often than not. Each one is different
for a reason and they work more often than not. So when there
is a draw down remember that not all draw down will mean a close
with a losss. Matt and Steve do a great job and take a lot of
unneccessary HEAT in the draw downs only to have things turn around
a lot but not all the time. Markets never move in a straight
I get the frustration, welcome to trading. I have doubted
and seconded guessed the system trades for longer than I am willing
to admit and exited early at a loss, because of fear. Last
quarter I have moved from frustration and fear to just trusting the
SPY/ES trades. Yes you will take a loss or losses and
maybe on your first trade or two. Learn from me who has been
around for 5+ years? Take the trades as they are posted and
the stats say you will do well. Someone posted a 70% gain last
year. The ES system made over 4200 points last year, at $5/1
point that is $21000 for trading just 1 contract. Sadly I was
in fear and not smart enough to just follow the system better and
for worse. Hang in there and stay the course. I am with
you this current loss is no fun but I know that long term I will be
ahead. Very few systems all 22 has this kind of track record.
I think we are so use to winning trades that a loss seems
like we have been robbed. These stats are VERY good and I am
very thankful to Matt and Steve for all they do.
I am staying the course and waiting for the signal. Stats 26
wins 0 losses, max draw down $634. I have learned my lesson,
just trust the system, even if it is a loss, first for everything.
They systems have proven themselves and I need to just check
my emotions at the door and enjoy the ride whatever it is.
Long term Matt has made us a lot of money. Thank you
Matt has said that normally 2 to 3 maybe 4 systems are in a
trade at one time. Yes to taking every trade and I finally
have started to do that and have been rewarded. Thanks Matt!
There use to be a tool to explore differeent position sizes.
What I found to be the best for me was always take the 1st
entry and the 2nd and 3rd I used the 2X and 3X per the system but I
used 150% capital of the 1st entry. I tried no first entry
and varied capital for the 2nd and 3rd and this worked best.
I trade the ES in a JT acct, SPY and leveraged per the
system in a 401K and IRA. I has missed too much by not
trading them in the past. I follow the systems and limit the amount
Totally agree take them all. I have
used the tool Matt had awhile back and played around with taking
only 1 or 2nd or 3rd entries and different dollar amount.
Many times the 1st entry was the only entry. I found
taking the 2nd and 3rd entry at 150% $ amount of the 1st entry gave
the best results. I tried equal amounts and varied amounts.
Granted the 2nd and 3rd use leveraged ETFs already.
SPY PRO TRADES sometimes are hard to take.
Bottom line they work very well over all and sometimes they
do have a drawdown but over all they do GREAT! I have learned
my lesson awhile back and now just take them and take the ride.
At the close the stats speak for themselves and the trades do
VERY well. Thanks MATT!
Steve I would like to learn more about Elliott Waves and
saw that Stock Charts sells this book "
Elliott Wave Principle" Robert Prechter would you recommend this book or is
there another that you feel is better.
There has been no price increase for the 5 years I have
been at BPT. Seems to me an increase is over due. Normally
you get what you pay for and in this case we all have been under
paying for the great technical analysis everyday and timely intra
day charts and the system trades we get. It is time we stop
being cheap. I would love to see the system trades on a basket of
ETFs and that should not be a freebie for all the work Matt and
Steve and others do for us here at BPT.
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Is there a 2nd entry
Posted by bk1976 on 30th of May 2024 at 03:33 pm
Is there a 2nd entry to SPY trades?
NDX at 50 day moving
Posted by bk1976 on 10th of Apr 2024 at 12:26 pm
NDX at 50 day moving average.
Steve showed the gap from FEB 22. If the 50 is lost there is the gap below and H&S measured move that is below the gap along with a break is symmetry. Point being if support is lost there are numerous targets below.
Thoughts and prayer Matt. Take
Posted by bk1976 on 22nd of Mar 2024 at 09:53 am
Thoughts and prayer Matt. Take sometime for yourself and your family. Everyone grieves differently, take what you need. It is a day you won't forget. RIP.
This was an IBD50 stock
FAMI crazy
Posted by bk1976 on 13th of Feb 2024 at 04:01 pm
This was an IBD50 stock back in 2018 with at least one reverse split. Stops are your friend.
Systems are playing out. Earlier
Posted by bk1976 on 10th of Feb 2023 at 11:08 am
Systems are playing out. Earlier this week I remember some posts about how the current system trade was bad and that the system trades where ignored in the newsletter. The Stats list the draw downs and the length of the trades. It was painful and now the reward if you followed the system and it is still open so it could still close in the red. Point is Matt has put a ton of time and effort and has modified the systems when needed. They work more often than not. Each one is different for a reason and they work more often than not. So when there is a draw down remember that not all draw down will mean a close with a losss. Matt and Steve do a great job and take a lot of unneccessary HEAT in the draw downs only to have things turn around a lot but not all the time. Markets never move in a straight line.
Open DVDS trade? Is it
Posted by bk1976 on 3rd of Feb 2023 at 03:59 pm
Open DVDS trade? Is it closing?
I get the frustration, welcome
The systems returned thousands of points in the past year. ...
Posted by bk1976 on 2nd of Feb 2023 at 03:42 pm
I get the frustration, welcome to trading. I have doubted and seconded guessed the system trades for longer than I am willing to admit and exited early at a loss, because of fear. Last quarter I have moved from frustration and fear to just trusting the SPY/ES trades. Yes you will take a loss or losses and maybe on your first trade or two. Learn from me who has been around for 5+ years? Take the trades as they are posted and the stats say you will do well. Someone posted a 70% gain last year. The ES system made over 4200 points last year, at $5/1 point that is $21000 for trading just 1 contract. Sadly I was in fear and not smart enough to just follow the system better and for worse. Hang in there and stay the course. I am with you this current loss is no fun but I know that long term I will be ahead. Very few systems all 22 has this kind of track record. I think we are so use to winning trades that a loss seems like we have been robbed. These stats are VERY good and I am very thankful to Matt and Steve for all they do.
DVDS stats
Posted by bk1976 on 31st of Jan 2023 at 05:03 pm
I am staying the course and waiting for the signal. Stats 26 wins 0 losses, max draw down $634. I have learned my lesson, just trust the system, even if it is a loss, first for everything. They systems have proven themselves and I need to just check my emotions at the door and enjoy the ride whatever it is. Long term Matt has made us a lot of money. Thank you Matt.
sorry, thanks for the correction
2023 New Years Resolution. I know I'm jumping the gun, ...
Posted by bk1976 on 8th of Dec 2022 at 02:36 pm
sorry, thanks for the correction
150% of the 1st entry
2023 New Years Resolution. I know I'm jumping the gun, ...
Posted by bk1976 on 8th of Dec 2022 at 02:13 pm
150% of the 1st entry capital
If 1st entry 10K then 2nd and 3rd 15K each
2 to 4 systems at
2023 New Years Resolution. I know I'm jumping the gun, ...
Posted by bk1976 on 8th of Dec 2022 at 02:09 pm
2 to 4 systems at play max
Matt has said that normally 2 to 3 maybe 4 systems are in a trade at one time. Yes to taking every trade and I finally have started to do that and have been rewarded. Thanks Matt! There use to be a tool to explore differeent position sizes. What I found to be the best for me was always take the 1st entry and the 2nd and 3rd I used the 2X and 3X per the system but I used 150% capital of the 1st entry. I tried no first entry and varied capital for the 2nd and 3rd and this worked best.
Matt, is it looking like
Posted by bk1976 on 7th of Dec 2022 at 02:11 pm
Matt, is it looking like the SPY short will close today?
SPY PRO signals I trade the
I would be interested in a tally of how many ...
Posted by bk1976 on 31st of Oct 2022 at 05:22 pm
SPY PRO signals
I trade the ES in a JT acct, SPY and leveraged per the system in a 401K and IRA. I has missed too much by not trading them in the past. I follow the systems and limit the amount traded.
Totally agree take them all.
SPY PRO TRADES sometimes are hard to take. Bottom line ...
Posted by bk1976 on 25th of Oct 2022 at 04:19 pm
Totally agree take them all. I have used the tool Matt had awhile back and played around with taking only 1 or 2nd or 3rd entries and different dollar amount. Many times the 1st entry was the only entry. I found taking the 2nd and 3rd entry at 150% $ amount of the 1st entry gave the best results. I tried equal amounts and varied amounts. Granted the 2nd and 3rd use leveraged ETFs already.
SPY PRO TRADES sometimes are
Posted by bk1976 on 25th of Oct 2022 at 04:07 pm
SPY PRO TRADES sometimes are hard to take. Bottom line they work very well over all and sometimes they do have a drawdown but over all they do GREAT! I have learned my lesson awhile back and now just take them and take the ride. At the close the stats speak for themselves and the trades do VERY well. Thanks MATT!
Steve I would like
Posted by bk1976 on 19th of Oct 2022 at 10:07 pm
Steve I would like to learn more about Elliott Waves and saw that Stock Charts sells this book " Elliott Wave Principle"
Robert Prechter would you recommend this book or is there another that you feel is better.
me too, Steve rocks
thank you for the help .. i feel like a ...
Posted by bk1976 on 19th of Oct 2022 at 09:22 am
me too, Steve rocks
I don't think you can
guys hate to bother you ,but could someone help with ...
Posted by bk1976 on 19th of Oct 2022 at 08:52 am
I don't think you can change font size other than the notes you add in a text box
There has been no price
As far as the proposed increase in cost, I'm just ...
Posted by bk1976 on 7th of Oct 2022 at 12:10 am
There has been no price increase for the 5 years I have been at BPT. Seems to me an increase is over due. Normally you get what you pay for and in this case we all have been under paying for the great technical analysis everyday and timely intra day charts and the system trades we get. It is time we stop being cheap. I would love to see the system trades on a basket of ETFs and that should not be a freebie for all the work Matt and Steve and others do for us here at BPT.
Matt, second entry??
Posted by bk1976 on 5th of Oct 2022 at 03:58 pm
Matt, second entry??