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SPX Can't post, but looks like

Posted by shellysan on 16th of Mar 2009 at 01:31 pm


Can't post, but looks like a wedge forming on the 15 Min chart with a break under about 770.

History Repeats Noted at another site,

Posted by shellysan on 15th of Mar 2009 at 12:01 pm

History Repeats

Noted at another site, since last October, each up week has been followed by an even greater down week.  So, if we do continue to rally for an extended period, maybe this week will decide it (ie, a small retracement or full steam ahead)

SRS Looks close  to posssibly break the

Posted by shellysan on 13th of Mar 2009 at 11:27 am


Looks close  to posssibly break the 7/81 MA crossover upwards.

  Extended version of the Stewart

Posted by shellysan on 13th of Mar 2009 at 10:23 am

Anyone looking at GOOG as

Posted by shellysan on 12th of Mar 2009 at 12:41 pm

Anyone looking at GOOG as a short?  It isn't doing well today, and has been going up on smaller vol.  $325 is top of its TLR and the 38Fib, might take a shot there if SPX still under 741.

For a total indictment of


Posted by shellysan on 10th of Mar 2009 at 10:59 pm

For a total indictment of CNBC, go see John Stewarts segment from last week.  After watching that, you'd know what most of us here know.  That CNBC is just a shill for Wall Street, and best to leave the sound on mute :)

rp Take a look at IBM. 

Posted by shellysan on 10th of Mar 2009 at 01:55 pm


Take a look at IBM.  It's not participating that well today (up % less than Naz), and recently broke substantial support around $84 yesterday. Looking at yesterdays high as a stop.

GOOG Back to Dec 8 it

Posted by shellysan on 9th of Mar 2009 at 02:32 pm


Back to Dec 8 it appears a H&S is forming, with a neckline at 280, as well as an old TLR appearing at that point.  This might fit the pattern of a bit of a furter drop, then the rally to form the right shoulder, then "the drop".

Apologizing for not being able to post charts.  If anyone follows GOOG, appreciate any feedback, thanks

IBM gave up the ghost

Posted by shellysan on 9th of Mar 2009 at 01:07 pm

IBM gave up the ghost (passed last swing low) so the Dow should follow.

Does anyone have a link

Posted by shellysan on 7th of Mar 2009 at 03:57 pm

Does anyone have a link to the recap Matt and Steve did on the trading methodologies ie the 7/81 5 Min MA, and the 15 Min?  If it's on the site, I can't seem to locate it.


I thought so, so maybe

Posted by shellysan on 6th of Mar 2009 at 09:57 am

I thought so, so maybe this is settting up for a morning reversal and then the shot up.  Almost 90M on the SOY in less than 30 minutes.

SPY volume

This is the largest pre amrket vol I have seen on the SPY in a while.  Over 26M shares with 10 minutes to the open.  I look at the first hour with 100,000 plus being an indicator of a big vol day, and it appears with this pre market vol, that may occur today.

So, are there capitulation buy days?

SPX Looks like a H&S on

Posted by shellysan on 5th of Mar 2009 at 02:02 pm


Looks like a H&S on the 5 min with a break of 684.8 neckline.  Perhaps 688 negates it.

Notice it broke over the


Posted by shellysan on 5th of Mar 2009 at 11:50 am

Notice it broke over the 30 Min TLR at around $90 per your chart last night. Was in at $89  ( fib area) will add on pullback to $90 if on low vol.

Dow 6000 Some of you may

Posted by shellysan on 4th of Mar 2009 at 10:36 pm

Dow 6000

Some of you may have seen Louise Yamada, a technician from Wall Street on CNBC before.  She is clearly one of the most honest and credible ones I have seen, having succesfully called the top of the SPX in 2007.

 She had a segment on March 2 on Fast Money where she shows the posssibility that the "current"bear market actually began with the dot com bust and the subsequent rise into 2007 was only a correction before the current leg down that we are in now.  She shows a chart of the Depression era showing a very similar pattern.

Go to CNBC TV and search Yamamda to see her video.  It is eye opening to say the least.

WFC is at LOD as

Posted by shellysan on 4th of Mar 2009 at 01:03 pm

WFC is at LOD as along with weakness in XLF

GDX Noticed at least today, fibs


Posted by shellysan on 2nd of Mar 2009 at 03:19 pm


Noticed at least today, fibs worked very well with the movement of this stock. FWIW

You'd think if we get to 704, that big round number of 700 would be involved at that point as well.  Maybe play an overshoot below 700, and go long on a break back over it

OIL Looking to go long at

Posted by shellysan on 2nd of Mar 2009 at 10:55 am


Looking to go long at $15.80 or so, with a starter position.

SRS For those of us trading

Posted by shellysan on 2nd of Mar 2009 at 10:24 am


For those of us trading SRS, this article "confirms" some of the prevelent thoughts as to why commercial real estate will follow the path of residential, and in turn, drive SRS uoward


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