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any idea how you trade


Posted by pepperwu on 14th of Sep 2008 at 09:10 pm

any idea how you trade this?

in my opinion this is why I don't expect a plunge in western markets - the bubble has already gone.  had this weekend happened back in 2007, it would have triggered a collapse

btw. why doesn't congress move to impeach the following (its possible to impeach someone after leaving office):

Chairman Greenspan
Treasury Secretary Snow
President Bush

Also, what are the chances of the next Attorney General (Fed or NY) charging all former CEOs and a number of other executives under the RICO statutes or with conspiracy?




futures could bounce if a package is announced by the large banks, a la long term capital style.  noone wants to see a disorderly liquidation.

as a foreigner can I ask what national government would EVER allow its major banks to get into so much trouble? this is going to criple the US economy growth for years to come and the new new york will now be HK or Singapore

to what extent is all this already factored in? financials are in big trouble, but the rest, we shall see...

what kind of squeeze?


Posted by pepperwu on 14th of Sep 2008 at 05:24 pm

what kind of squeeze?

Check out bhp


Posted by pepperwu on 12th of Sep 2008 at 01:47 pm

Check out bhp

Too many bears.  Too many


Posted by pepperwu on 12th of Sep 2008 at 01:45 pm

Too many bears.  Too many people hoping for collapse.  Too contrarian

Matt - why was the

gasoline stockpiles

Posted by pepperwu on 12th of Sep 2008 at 06:41 am

Matt - why was the Refiner taken off the watch list? Isn't this arguably in a consolidation phase?

wm - underlying 3.03 after

rp I bought 10,000

Posted by pepperwu on 11th of Sep 2008 at 08:48 pm

wm - underlying 3.03 after hours

good trade Delane

rp I bought 10,000

Posted by pepperwu on 11th of Sep 2008 at 07:13 pm

good trade Delane

Everyone's looking for a panic

Posted by pepperwu on 11th of Sep 2008 at 04:50 pm

Everyone's looking for a panic washout.  Consider:

1. Lehman is down 70% in 3 days.  Suprisingly, the rest of the market isn't that worried about the imminent collapse of the 5th biggest bank.

2. Hedge funds have been forced to liquidate resources stocks.  Shares down significantly over the past few weeks.  Individuals are gone from the market.  When hedge funds liquidate, its not their own money, they can do it somewhat dispassionately and so aren't going to flood the market will sell orders all at once but liquidate over a number of days/months. 

Do we need individuals selling to get a panic washout?

People want Lehman to fail

Clearer S&P 15 min chart

Posted by pepperwu on 11th of Sep 2008 at 07:03 am

According to this bloomberg article... The Fed has created the situation where people entering contracts with Lehman as a counterparty would prefer for Lehman to fail so that the counter party in effect becomes the Fed

Joyous Loathing at Lehman Brothers' Collapse: Michael Lewis

Commentary by Michael Lewis


It is just bad practice


Posted by pepperwu on 10th of Sep 2008 at 10:00 am

It is just bad practice to release hugely market sensitive announcements during trading hours.  In any case, most exchanges suspend a stock for 15 minutes after market sensitive announcements, so either way, the announcement will be factored into the next trade

The hypothesis is that non-US

Posted by pepperwu on 10th of Sep 2008 at 05:19 am

The hypothesis is that non-US markets may start ignoring what is hapenning in the US (and also the UK) and start moving ahead.  If that happens then any further moves down in the US would arguably be tempered. 

In the US, the selloffs so far have been extreme in financials, its arguable that the retail investors are gone from the market.  Really, short of a crash, are we not going to see a tempered downward path.  Who is left to sell up? As an example Merrills is trading at $24 rather than $90.  How much further do you want shares like this to go? Are they worth nothing?


Posted by pepperwu on 9th of Sep 2008 at 10:52 pm

Some evidence this market has already bottomed (^AXJO -^axjo;range=2y;indicator=sma(50,150)+volume;charttype=line;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=on;source=undefined) - market has not moved in last two months and some flattening of MAs. 

This market bottomed in October 2002 in the last bear whereas the bear is viewed as having lasted longer in the US through to 2003.  Australian market was decimated from shorting in Jan 08.

The bearish views are so thick in the air at the moment - I'm in London - that I could almost slice it with a knife.  M&A is dead quiet and fund issues are quiet as well.  People are saying the next 2 years are going to be horrible.  On a contrarian indicator its almost a buy indictator.  Some indication there are plans to buy big into financials.  Certainly, you have to wonder why the market can hold its losses to 1% for most the day when Lehman is down 30+ percent.


Matt - do you have

DOW hs on 15-60 min

Posted by pepperwu on 8th of Sep 2008 at 04:58 pm

Matt - do you have a view on this comment?

perhaps you could buy your hedgie friends a subscription to this site so they know when to buy and when not to buy. Then hopefully their commodity funds wouldn't go belly up and so resources stocks could actually reflect fundamentals based on china rather than including a great big discount due to anticipated fire sales by your hedgie friends.


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