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someone should make an index


Posted by pepperwu on 19th of Sep 2008 at 01:44 pm

someone should make an index of the banned list and an ultra short fund comprising of every company on the list... then wait for the ban to be removed and watch it fly.

that is just wrong


Posted by pepperwu on 19th of Sep 2008 at 01:14 pm

that is just wrong

where is this from?

Interesting titbit

Posted by pepperwu on 19th of Sep 2008 at 05:42 am

where is this from?

there is plenty of money

Goverment Unbelieveable

Posted by pepperwu on 18th of Sep 2008 at 09:13 pm

there is plenty of money ready to invest, its just not us money.  look broader than jus the USA where the share purchaser has no cash to spare.  At the end of the day, the only lasting outcome of this financial crisis will be that the centre of the financial world sits in HK or Singapore and not Wall Street

Don't underestimate the worldwide determination of governments to stop the destruction of the banks here and now.  They've all woken up to how much of a $*£$$*( nigtmare it will be to liquidate Lehman and literally go to war to stop further implosions brought about by agressive shorting (check out what FDR did in the 1930s using wartime powers).  The shorting party is over - get used to it and accept if you didn't arrive in time that you are too late.

worldwide regulators are out to kill the aggressive shorts - I can tell you as someone who works in financial services, regulators, liquidators, etc have realised this week that ONE bankruptcy of an investment bank is MORE THAN ENOUGH.  Guess how many default notices have been sent?

£*$&! get ready for bubble


Posted by pepperwu on 18th of Sep 2008 at 02:27 pm

£*$&! get ready for bubble and quick exit after it goes parabolic.  sign off the last bull run

NY ATTORNEY GENERAL announces investigation

Posted by pepperwu on 18th of Sep 2008 at 02:25 pm

NY ATTORNEY GENERAL announces investigation into illegal shorting (sky news)

does that mean it possibly

Posted by pepperwu on 17th of Sep 2008 at 05:43 pm

does that mean it possibly goes straight down to 1100

Matt, RP - does this

Posted by pepperwu on 17th of Sep 2008 at 04:49 pm

Matt, RP - does this mean we can expect further downside selling tomorrow because it didn't rally into the close? Even stocks in strong uptrends - such as some pharam - sold into the close. Thanks

bhp is at 52 week

Posted by pepperwu on 17th of Sep 2008 at 02:38 pm

bhp is at 52 week low

parabolic down; if its sellers


Posted by pepperwu on 17th of Sep 2008 at 12:51 pm

parabolic down; if its sellers that one thing; if its due to shorts, remember what happened with oil when it went parabolic upwards.

Could just be a hedge fund to get a reporter to release a bogus story saying the treasury going to rescue aig, then use it to short the market further. Interesting to hear Delane's view


Posted by pepperwu on 16th of Sep 2008 at 03:08 pm
Title: aig

Need to watch closely whether there is a turnaround in charts for basic materials and energy companies.  Interesting to note in BHP.AX seems to have based around $35 and displaying strong relative strength

Matt - once fear subsides, do you see oil and oil stocks rallying again?

what is your point here?

Market Overview

Posted by pepperwu on 15th of Sep 2008 at 05:56 pm

what is your point here?

the only way to fix it is to fix the assets at the base.  in any case, its better bailing out the homeowners directly (who were stupid enough to be sold the mortgages) rather than bailing out wall street crooks.  The whole problem here is the administration has sat on its backside and has not taken any innovative or decisive action.

Help out homeowners to solve the problem

Posted by pepperwu on 15th of Sep 2008 at 01:59 pm

The problem with the current administration is that they need to go to the root of the problem and bail out US homeowners.  This could be done by:

1. Lending US homeowners $100k at 0% interest, which could be used to reduce their mortgage and their interest.  Such a loan would be in the form of a bond which could be given to the mortgage lender to use as partial repayment.  US homeowners would only be given this in return for the enforceable promise to service the rest of their mortgage and remain in their homes.

The current administration lacks vision and needs to come up with something bold, otherwise the next President will need to deal with a depression.


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