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good one!!!

Greek Debt repayment refused

Posted by madaneag on 2nd of Jun 2010 at 09:30 pm

good one!!!

nice post

Long Term Gold Ruminations on a Friday

Posted by madaneag on 28th of May 2010 at 03:28 pm

thanks puma...

i always read your analysis of gold....!!!

Title: i do at

IYT Rinko

Posted by madaneag on 21st of Apr 2010 at 11:16 am
Title: IYT Rinko

i changed the starting time


Posted by madaneag on 19th of Apr 2010 at 04:44 pm

i changed the starting time to 10:10, that avoids the whipsaws during the first half hour

could not buy OIH, was


Posted by madaneag on 15th of Apr 2010 at 02:03 pm

could not buy OIH, was trying to buy 40 it says min market lot...any idea how much is that?

wash sales

Interactive Brokers Schedule D

Posted by madaneag on 31st of Mar 2010 at 09:32 am

i downloaded a excel report yesterday from Tax forms section. on IB did cover the wash sales.


Platinum Breakout

Posted by madaneag on 31st of Mar 2010 at 09:28 am

ANO is a good play on the platinum market.

Interactive Brokers Schedule D

Posted by madaneag on 30th of Mar 2010 at 05:38 pm


can someone advise me how I can prepare scheulde D for IB and which software is best suited to import trades from IB seamlessly.

i got stopped put:(

TSL short

Posted by madaneag on 24th of Feb 2010 at 11:43 am

i got stopped put:( Frown

hi matt can you pls provide

SPX 60 min

Posted by madaneag on 28th of Jan 2010 at 11:39 am

hi matt

can you pls provide url for 60 min chart for non stock chart members like the one you have for 5 mins



looks like ratio has given

GDX 60 min chart

Posted by madaneag on 26th of Jan 2010 at 11:44 am

looks like ratio has given buy signal..matt can you confirm



agreed...thanks a lot...this site has

Do you ever Sleep?

Posted by madaneag on 25th of Jan 2010 at 10:21 am

agreed...thanks a lot...this site has been my best learning experience ever!!

i bought this one, kept stop at 11.40

 indian stock exchange (bse) met with the exactly same fate yesterday, if there

is a etf then that can be a trade idea

alarm not working

Posted by madaneag on 21st of Jan 2010 at 11:12 am

hi matt

sds broke 34 but alarm has not triggered. is the alarm not working past 2-3 days?

SRS not falling even though market is rising

Posted by madaneag on 10th of Dec 2009 at 12:29 pm


SRS has been at almost the same level or rising a bit even though the market was up yesterday and is up today. also, the SRS swing system has large bars up and down causing it to whipsaw my question is why is SRS not trending with market trending higher is it due to real estate shares falling or are there some other etf related issues due to which the SRS etf is not trending causing lot of whipsaws in the the swing systems


SRS rising with rising market

Posted by madaneag on 10th of Dec 2009 at 12:22 pm

hi matt pls ignore such frustration

Mechanical Systems

Posted by madaneag on 29th of Sep 2009 at 02:43 pm

hi matt

pls ignore such frustration and keep the gr8 work. i do not get time to play the

trade ideas but i have automated the mech systems and they work gr8,,,infact

that is the main reason I willl be with BPT

very good systems...i am trying to automate them..that way it is easier

here and daily briefing you referred to 5 min SRS system, i cannot see a 5 min

SRS system on premium content, the only 2 SRS systems are 15 min and 3 min

one prob i had during automation was that if i set session end time to 4:00 pm

then market orders do not get executed as I get a message saying market is closed so i have tried changing session time to 3:58 pm, not sure

if this will work. any suggestions?




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