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weekend charts

Weekend update

Posted by kamineni321 on 15th of Feb 2010 at 08:04 pm

I did not receive any charts in my email.  It is better if you can post them in trading community.  I will appreciate if you can email me.




Where do I get AIG

AIG 3 min system

Posted by kamineni321 on 19th of Oct 2009 at 02:17 pm

Where do I get AIG 3mins chart.  I do not have stockcharts or trade station.  I use Ameritrade.  Did it show reversal today.  Thanks

It looks like we are

market trend

Posted by kamineni321 on 25th of Jul 2009 at 05:07 am

It looks like we are starting 5 of 5 for wave 1 of B up wave.  Early next week we might get a blowout short term top with another push for new highs. 

We short when we get

Mech systems

Posted by kamineni321 on 24th of Jul 2009 at 09:27 pm

We short when we get a definite sell signal.  Everybody whoever shorts in uptrend will be forced to cover and that is how a vicious circle.  We have to wait till you see a definite downtrend.  Do not short in uptrend until you get a definite downtrend signal.  The individual investors loose their money by going long in downtrend and going short in uptrend.  The trend goes in weeks and sometime monthes.  Follow the trend.

market trend

Posted by kamineni321 on 24th of Jul 2009 at 04:57 pm

I read all messages and everyday blog talk about turning down and shorting from the ist day it started going up from july 16th.  Sp went up 100 points.  Nasdaq went up straight for 12 days.  We know about wave 1 of B up which is now in 5th wave.  I made nealy 60k this week.  Do not short.  Forget about shorting.  Go long on individual stocks depending upon their charts.  All stocks are going up irrespective of earnings as market is looking forward and not backwards.  For example ACI inspite of wide loss went up more than $1.  Look at cyclical stocks and buy them which did not break up.  What happened to AXP and capital one today.  Do not get caught in shorting.  If there is a pull back weight to go long.  Some stocks will correct and other sectors will be going up.  Yesterday I sold early and got stuck in SDS and could have made another 20k.  Forget shorting and short ETFs in this powerfull up trend market.  If you are not long wait for wave 2 pullback and go long.  This will go up to sp 1100 as Matt and Steve are showing in their charts.  If are get short when market is trending up you judgement will suffer.  I learned a lot after losing 250k shorting RIMM on the day of earnings last time.  I was short 20k share at 45. It gaped up.  That was the biggest trading mistake of my life.  My portfolio at that time went from 433k to 180k.  Slowly I brought it up npw to 467k.  This week I made 60k.  Best of luck guys.  Follow the trend.


Posted by kamineni321 on 8th of Jul 2009 at 09:53 am

looks like a no-brainer


Posted by kamineni321 on 4th of Jul 2009 at 12:29 pm

ready to drop??

I hear more bearish comments

Posted by kamineni321 on 25th of Jun 2009 at 04:37 pm

I hear more bearish comments on this board light volume etc, I do not know why you guys fight the tape. 888 was intermediate low.  Qurter ending window dressing goes on till the end of month.  Instead of shorting buy any stock long and you would have made money today.  Took support at 895 and never looked back. Just my opinion.


Posted by kamineni321 on 24th of Jun 2009 at 12:22 am

Mclellan oscillator suggests a big move ....most likely down.

July 17 phi mate date will be the turn date according to another blog I follow

Institutional index

Posted by kamineni321 on 23rd of Jun 2009 at 06:59 am

$bkx and FSLR breaking down

Posted by kamineni321 on 22nd of Jun 2009 at 06:42 pm

$bkx and FSLR breaking down


Posted by kamineni321 on 29th of May 2009 at 02:02 pm


moving up on higher volume


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