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ravun, does the Chinese government's


Posted by jhsimon on 24th of Mar 2009 at 02:12 pm

ravun, does the Chinese government's call for a new global reserve currency have any impact on gold? I haven't seen any speculation to that effect, but gold's reversal yesterday seems to correlate with the timing of the news stories about the Chinese proposal. Any thoughts?

Amen to that. Well stated.

thanks guys

Posted by jhsimon on 23rd of Mar 2009 at 07:39 pm

Amen to that. Well stated. Matt and Steve provide some great analysis and tools, but their job isn't to spoon-feed every move. jmho.

No problem with Steve's audio

March 15th Update

Posted by jhsimon on 16th of Mar 2009 at 09:25 am

No problem with Steve's audio here.

I don't know about CITI, but Najarian was pumping FAS on CNBC's Fast Money tonight.

I don't have an answer

DXO opinions

Posted by jhsimon on 9th of Mar 2009 at 11:51 pm

I don't have an answer to your question, which is a good one, except to answer with another question. I have been trading UCO. Is there any reason to prefer DXO over UCO, or vice-versa?

I picked up some FAS

RSI(14)<30 for UYG

Posted by jhsimon on 5th of Mar 2009 at 01:34 pm

I picked up some FAS and UYG yesterday (oops) and some more today (fortunately at the lows, at least so far). I'm also thinking that we are getting close to a short-term bottom in some of the financials (though JPM broke a triple bottom this morning), but I'm prepared to accept another downdraft if it happens. FAS and UYG are in IRAs, so no margin issue there.

UYG did set a new

RSI(14)<30 for UYG

Posted by jhsimon on 5th of Mar 2009 at 10:44 am

UYG did set a new low today, did it not?

Amen to that. The political posts are really annoying. jmho.

It's easy to be so


Posted by jhsimon on 24th of Feb 2009 at 07:19 pm

It's easy to be so glib, but he gave up a big position at Boeing to come to Ford,  and has done a good job repositioning the company for survival. if not future growth. jmho.

Fidelity ActiveTraderPro

Posted by jhsimon on 10th of Feb 2009 at 06:39 pm

Is anyone using Fidelity ActiveTraderPro who can advise me on how they adapted the parameters for the mechanical trading system to ATP's limitations? tia.


Posted by jhsimon on 5th of Feb 2009 at 07:02 pm
Title: Nice move on volume

They were not pardoned. Their


Posted by jhsimon on 20th of Jan 2009 at 02:05 pm

They were not pardoned. Their sentences were commuted. Big difference, as they are still considered guilty of the crimes with which they were charged. The guy they shot was a drug smuggler, not just an illegal alien.And they were Border patrol, not Immigration, just for the record. But you got one part right -- there were 2 of them, lol.

If you are talking about


Posted by jhsimon on 15th of Jan 2009 at 03:42 pm

If you are talking about today's rally to 850, my VIX chart is a mirror image of the SPX...

Matt, the dynamic chart shows the 60 period stochastics on the SPX well over 20 yesterday afternoon. Am I misreading it?


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