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Michael  you are sounding very reasonable....... UNFORTUNATELY ......There ain't nothing FAIR about this game ..... Kill of be killed  ....  if anyone thinks other wise..... ROAD KILL..................... In this business exception is the RULE.....  Data services go down.... Trading platforms crash... Internet freezes...... Bitching about it doesn't change the reality .................  THEY are doing everything to shove your trading where the sun don't shine.......  It really is all a great conspiracy to steal your money..  thus 95% lose................. Matt and Steve are trying very hard to smooth out the speed bumps BUT,  the bump are still there............. U gotta get over the small change stuff and focus on the important stuff... THERE IS A 50/50 CHANCE YOU WILL GET A BETTER PRICE ON MONDAY.....  IT IS ALL A GAME OF PROBABILITY   ... not Certainty.... When everybody gets that .. there will be smiles all around   Tchau for now

Soloff.......  It looks like you are going to need a LITTLE more experience before You trade real money.....  THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES........    If you are hovering around waiting for the killer signal and not doing your own homework... you will be road kill....    you want signals?  go to the other sites and loose your money there... You want good technical analysis and discipline?   stay here and learn......  Seriously, I wish you only success and all the best.... Remember, there is a reason why 95% of all traders go down in flames..................................


should change name to

Posted by hillsyde on 14th of Oct 2010 at 11:29 pm

And U bring What value to the site???  ha ha Freddie...




Posted by hillsyde on 14th of Oct 2010 at 10:56 pm

No U dont get it............  It is about making a good trade...... win or loose..... was it a good trade.... when U get that U will Have a chance at being a good trader.... if U think win or lose.... U will B a loooooooosssssssssssssserrrrrrrrrrrr............



Posted by hillsyde on 14th of Oct 2010 at 09:32 pm


skynet IS THE market.... you

Emotionless Trading

Posted by hillsyde on 13th of Jul 2010 at 08:23 pm

skynet IS THE market.... you are out-processed by the machines trading with each other.... there is no hope... You cannot compete with colocated boxes trading with each other................................................................get an algo that follows the boxes... don't think... follow the momo.......



Emotionless Trading

Posted by hillsyde on 13th of Jul 2010 at 08:14 pm

Freakin doomed.... all ye who enter here are bereft of hope....  If at first you do not succeed.... give up...   :)

Mr TopStep for today

Posted by hillsyde on 29th of Jun 2010 at 01:39 pm

That ain't people... that be

Unreal a/h action....

Posted by hillsyde on 25th of May 2010 at 05:48 pm

That ain't people... that be boxes.  You know the program that was ripped from Goldman Sucks that "could be used to manipulate the market"...... duh I guess it is...

Rut Roh

Posted by hillsyde on 20th of May 2010 at 08:29 am

Dow Theorist Richard Russell: Sell Everything, You Won't Recognize America By The End Of The Year

Rumor control

Posted by hillsyde on 19th of May 2010 at 08:24 am

ECB announcement in a few minutes... Euro-wide short sale ban... would move the market

Euro 1.233 and falling

Posted by hillsyde on 16th of May 2010 at 08:19 pm

Yeah, appears to B.  Well I guess that makes Ambrose prescient.  Euro just openned at 1.234 .... lets see who blinks first.  Raptors will continue pinging the fence this week..................................

Raptors at the Liquidity Fence, and the Big Whoosh

Posted by hillsyde on 15th of May 2010 at 04:15 pm

By Paul Kedrosky· Friday, May 14, 2010· Discuss (3)· ShareThis


The fences are electrified, right?

That's right. But they never attack the same place
twice. They were testing the fences for weaknesses.
Systematically. They remembered.
                     -- Jurassic Park (1993)

There are strange whooshy feelings in capital markets these days. I wrote last weekabout the run on the shadow liquidity system which, in part, led to the Big Whoosh: Thursday's "flash crash". Except the run hasn't really stopped.

What is going on? It's a testing process. Markets -- and traders -- are trying to figure out where the liquidity weaknesses are: How far down, in what stocks, and at what times, do things have to be bent/folded/spindled before they bust again? Where are the real liquidity replenishment and cut-over points? At what point will liquidity again disappear, in what stocks?

The market is, like raptors in Jurassic Park, testing the fences. It has discovered a major set of coupled, equity-related weaknesses in the shadow liquidity system, in the absence of a central market limit order book, in the best price national market system, in exchange-traded fund arbitrage, and in off-exchange trading networks. It will try to exploit those weaknesses again, which is the other side of why I hear non-stop from opportunistic sorts who have already positioned themselves accordingly in distant put/call land on the SP500.

Rather than thinking of the "flash crash" as an outlier event, think of it as a feasibility test. There are inflection points in the trading curve -- time, price, and action -- where the system breaks down, and they are systemic problems not easily resolved by new rules. In the interim, raptors will, like today, continue pinging the fences, systematically, looking for that same weakness.

Could be a very interesting weekend..............

That squares with the concept that major market breaks are trying to tell you that something is very wrong  and should be taken seriously.  All is not well in the market Hobbit....................  thanks for putting it up....


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