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The Tax With Nine Lives Appears Dead

Traders Magazine Online News, March 11, 2010

3 Little Excel macros and Turbotax


Posted by hillsyde on 22nd of Feb 2010 at 05:10 pm

I use these 3 small macros and Excel to create a TXF file to upload into turboTax

It's a little funky but works flawlessly for me.............

Tell me it isn't so!  I am shocked and appalled!  Maybe theGreek CIA hit squad will be busy for a while cleaning up the bad actors?

Max Pain website

Posted by hillsyde on 19th of Feb 2010 at 09:37 am

MaxPain... go to this site and input the SPY.  I use that as a proxy for the SPX

Then look for the low point.... the MaxLosers

Maybe these won't look so good tomorrow.... Motivation?

Posted by hillsyde on 18th of Feb 2010 at 06:23 pm
Feb 19 8:30 AM Core CPI Jan - NA NA NA -
Feb 19 8:30 AM CPI Jan - 0.2% 0.3% 0.1% -
Feb 19 8:30 AM Core CPI

MaxPain for friday expirations

Posted by hillsyde on 17th of Feb 2010 at 02:45 pm

SPY =110.0

GDX = 44.00

Funny, I guess we go sideways from here...................

CME metals margin increase tomorrow

Posted by hillsyde on 11th of Feb 2010 at 05:58 pm

Historically not a good thing for metal prices.... goes into effect tomorrow.  Be on your toes..............

Hear hear!!! I second that emotion............

Really interesting data in the article. Just looking at it from Highs-lows trend, the uptrend brokedown just like other major tops just from a higher level....... click here

Agree,  Volker has been sidelined

Social mood and VOLKER

Posted by hillsyde on 22nd of Jan 2010 at 08:16 am

Agree,  Volker has been sidelined since Summers pushed him out a long time ago.  I think it is really significant that he was at Obama's right hand and on display.  Also, I watch the EURUSD cross like a hawk all day long.  And it was very different.  Some body was not dredging  up the money to support the market.  There was one blip to stop the free fall in the SPX and then it went away again.  I don't believe in coincidences.......

Social mood and VOLKER

Posted by hillsyde on 22nd of Jan 2010 at 07:09 am

I think the change of character in the markets is well described in these 2 exhibits.  You will see in the video of Obama's speech yesterday that he rolled out Volker and put him on display at his right hand.  The Massachusetts election of a republican has really put the fear of God into them.  The game HAS changed..... Volker!!

Daneric rant

Obama Speach




Its a numerology thing.... 11th trading day.  01/01 (don't hate me) :)   We will see how it works out.   And it fits the fib timing....  Whoooo Hooo finally some volatility in TWO directions...... My systems are having a ball....

Major top was in on Tuesday........

No doubt, TS is a very sophisticated program.  I really like it.  I wish TS technical would spend some time on platform stability issues.  It seem like every time the data feed glitches,  the platform chokes and needs a restart.  I am running a lot of strategies and a reboot is a real pain..........

I totally agree.  I have it installed on an intel quad processor box with dual vid cards and all the hot addons.   I run nothing else on this serious box.  It still locks up on me at least once a day.  When it is up it is a very capable serious platform.  But of course it just has to bite it, sometimes more than one time / day..........

I'm putting together a short position, and the market just won't DIE...............


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