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I think this risk is overblown.  It would be bogged down in the courts for some time.  The premium is too high on collectible coins. 

It wasn't long ago that you said the same for 1300.  "Why not test it?"  I would never have believed we would be approaching 1400 already. Holy Mackerel.. 

Fascinating chart Rank10. 

investor gold exposure

Posted by curranjohn46 on 7th of Oct 2010 at 03:45 pm

Fascinating chart Rank10. 

why not Short TLT and/or JNK directly? 


Going Down?...Update...

Posted by curranjohn46 on 29th of Sep 2010 at 04:02 pm



GDX 60 minute chart

Posted by curranjohn46 on 18th of Mar 2010 at 10:29 am

GDX 60 minute chart

Posted by curranjohn46 on 18th of Mar 2010 at 10:02 am

This morning newsletter has the gdx:gld ratio trendline drawn on 60 minute chart.  But the actual 60 min chart does not.  Is there another link?

I just sold my GDX

Gold stocks

Posted by curranjohn46 on 3rd of Mar 2010 at 12:40 pm

I just sold my GDX position.  Half my account was in it.  I averaged in around 41-42.50 area.  I have to take the money.  Can't resist.

The daily chart trendlines for last couple of months on $HUI nd $GDM make me think we have some resistance here.  I am hoping miners and gold retrace half their gains from the early February low so I can buy back in for a run toward the November highs.  I emphasize "hoping." 

60 minute chart gave a

GDX 15 min

Posted by curranjohn46 on 25th of Feb 2010 at 12:28 pm

60 minute chart gave a buy signal. 

I bought based on the 60

GDX update

Posted by curranjohn46 on 1st of Feb 2010 at 01:52 pm

I bought based on the 60 minute charts.   If the 60 period stochastics dip under 20 again I am out.  Is that how to play this?

Is that a buy trigger on GDX 60 minute chart?

Posted by curranjohn46 on 1st of Feb 2010 at 01:11 pm

Is that a buy trigger on GDX 60 minute chart?  I'd prefer to see it break through more and pull back of course before buying.  Tricky.

GDX sure is beaten up

Posted by curranjohn46 on 22nd of Jan 2010 at 09:32 am

Any thoughts  on a bounce/trade?

What's up with small $$

McHugh called the top today

Posted by curranjohn46 on 15th of Jan 2010 at 05:39 pm

What's up with small $$ amounts?  I thought McHugh was a big time player?

sequential technique and the long bond

Posted by curranjohn46 on 15th of Jan 2010 at 12:44 pm

Anyone here use the sequential technique?  Described here:

I am no expert by any means. But according to a chartist I read named Ross Clark, using the sequential technique, the  long bond signalled a rare "buy signal" following a "countdown to a signal".  This is the fourth for the long bond since 1977.  The last three saw nice rallies of 6, 16 and 11 weeks respectively.

The catalyst is a week with a higher high as we see now.  I'd be curious to know what you think of this indicator.

I am accumulating TLT.

So what does the buy signal look like?

Do I see a gdx buy signal from the GDX:GLD ratio?

Posted by curranjohn46 on 29th of Dec 2009 at 10:48 am

Do I see a gdx buy signal from the GDX:GLD ratio?  It would be the crossing of the trendline.  correct?

How's GDX looking?

Posted by curranjohn46 on 18th of Dec 2009 at 03:25 pm

Yesterday I was told to watch a few indicators for a buy signal on GDX.  Just curious what you all think of it so far.  I am in no rush but want to see if I can game this properly.

The GDX 60 minute chart show that the regular stochastics have moved above 20%.  And now the 60 period stochastics are slightly above that as well.

The MACD is still just below zero.  So I am waiting and watching that to see if gets above zero.  Is that a good trigger in addition to above?

Also Matt said to look for positive divergence on the 15 minute chart.  I am hoping I can recognize it properly.  Would I see that if the price (on the 15 minute chart)has moved down a bit while the MACD has risen?  I do not believe I see it currently.

so watch the psar (on

GDX weekly

Posted by curranjohn46 on 17th of Dec 2009 at 02:25 pm

so watch the psar (on the BPGDM) to cross above 8 day ma?

yep. That's the trend line to watch.

GDX weekly

Posted by curranjohn46 on 17th of Dec 2009 at 01:42 pm

I'd like to buy that trendline if it holds.  If it does not then gold stocks will have to find new footing and enter a consolidation period somewhere I suppose.


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