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Any alternative way to play

VIX 60 min comments

Posted by bluezango on 14th of Jul 2016 at 10:07 am

Any alternative way to play VIX long when it bottoms on support?  Yes, weird VIX is up and market up (As Matt said, traders must be buying VIX to hedge), and even weirder that VXX is down, as it is supposed to track VIX.  I plan to buy VXX when VIX hits rock bottom support at 12.54-12.74. I wish there were a better more pure play to buy VIX.   VXX chart shows so much futures rollover and degradation (just goes down continually over time), that I do not trust the VXX much anymore, accept for a 2-3 day trade.  Ideas?

VXX extremely low at 12.95 No

Posted by bluezango on 3rd of Jun 2016 at 02:54 pm

VXX extremely low at 12.95

No specific trigger except multiple touch support, so I agree with Matt/Steve that upside at this price seems very high probability$VIX&p=D&yr=0&mn=6&dy=25&id=p54622979695&a=245478076&listNum=59


Title: click to show comments

Yes, I saw that also,

Coffee ETF JO

Posted by bluezango on 29th of Feb 2016 at 02:57 pm

Yes, I saw that also, and took a position also.  Target would be a buck more, around 18.39 where the top of the channel forms resistance.

Prepping in advance - how can I short Transports? (IYT)

Posted by bluezango on 18th of Feb 2016 at 12:20 am

It appears that IYT has no shares to short, does not offer puts, and there is no inverse ETF.  When appropriate with signals in a few days, how can I short transports?

Does anyone have the tools to backtest the performance of the last day of each month and last day of each quarter for last 10-20 years?  Just has seemed to be more often up days.

Theory is that people managing funds are forced to be invested, likely have limits on how much cash the portfolio can have.  Customers pay mutual funds and asset managers to be invested, not willing to pay percent of assets under management for cash.  I just sense they fudge a bit, especially in turbulent times, by having more cash than "pledged", but, when the period end is there, they have to be in something.

I have been thinking about why GOOGL, MSFT, and AMZN move such large percentages in After Hours, as compared with during the day.  (Up 11-12,13% afterhours, but half that much during open.)  Is there any truth to this hypothesis below?

These stocks make up so much of the numerous ETFs, that when the market is open their dramatic moves are hampered by the open market ETF rebalancing, causing everything to move more closely together.  (ETFs do not rebalance to accommodate those moves during After Hours??). 


Other reasons why After Hours moves are more dramatic, for such large stocks?

Yes, it would have to have been very fast 1/2 day 7/21 trades with tight stops for 1 fast bounce, but all of them would have made money and did bounce.  Max gains off 7/20 close: FCX 6.6%, GDX 5.5%, OIH 2.7%, XLE 1%, GLD .5%, but as you say maybe odds were low.

Nope, did not do OIL, but up nicely 1.5% at the moment!  I was just wondering.  Usually when something moves 6-10-more% explosively we get more discussion around RTM. (I am partially sitting on my gains at the moment and being more patient waiting for real triggers and solid opportunities, not trying to force it in this wild market :)

It seems that these are: "extended", "far away from the 9", etc...

I got lucky, but will


Posted by bluezango on 29th of Jun 2015 at 05:12 pm

I got lucky, but will likely not mess with VXX or UVXY inverse ETFs again.  I bought them for insurance against this last week :), but see that they are a very very short term instrument, definitely for very advanced traders with experience in futures.  I just an equities guy :)  thanks all.

Yes, sure, so day after


Posted by bluezango on 29th of Jun 2015 at 03:56 pm

Yes, sure, so day after day (for the (ETFs) you would lose in the long run as the time value of each futures contract expires over and over.  But for a single day, one would think they would go in unison, and with the right multiple.  Why not for a single day period?

please expand on this a


Posted by bluezango on 29th of Jun 2015 at 03:47 pm

please expand on this a bit if you could?

Why % Change Not Proportional ^VIX = -VXX = -1/2 UVXY

^VIX change -34%

VXX (1x) +17%  (should be +34%

UVXY (2x)  +34% (should be +68%)

Volume Level Set on Newsletter

Posted by bluezango on 7th of Jan 2015 at 12:50 am

Hi Guys; Is there any way to have the default starting volume on the Newsletters?  When ever I run the newsletter, I jump out of my chair due to the high volume set.  Wakes up everyone in the house.  (then I easily turn it down)  Anybody else experience this?

Small Caps Tend To Do Well In Last Month of Year?

Posted by bluezango on 26th of Nov 2014 at 02:33 pm

The newsletter a few days ago mentioned that "Small Caps Tend To Do Well In Last Month of Year".  Can anyone expand on that please?   (Like to play the RUT as my hedge against some longs, so this is interesting)


Gap down on open, stop loss did not save me.  Yep, Steve & Matt right, avoid earnings unless you want to trade a different type of risk.

Update Request.  Request to Show Similar 3 or 5 minute Pattern for the last 3-4 days.  Looks the same again today so far.



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