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I need your HELP to create $BPRUT

Posted by ameritrader on 27th of Jul 2009 at 10:52 am

ATTENTION to all www.Stockcharts.commembers, I have been requesting they create a Bullish Percent for the Russell 2000 small cap index. So, I am asking you to submit a request for a $BPRUT, through their support message.

Thanks for the support! Smile

Note: They do have a $BP for the DOW, S&P500, Nasdaq 100, and Nasdaq Composite, NYSE, TSE


Posted by ameritrader on 23rd of Jul 2009 at 12:08 am

Atten Steve and Matt


Please compare XLF to KRE.

Interesting KRE is down trending, while XLF is going sideways.




Watch UPS, GE, 3M for possible SHORTs

Posted by ameritrader on 1st of Jul 2009 at 09:18 am


UPS, GE, 3M(MMM) for possible "SHORT" trades.

I notice the ETF XLI (Industrial) price was a -1.04% for Tuesday, but it's Bullish Percent (stocks within the ETF, having a P&F buy signal) jump up Tuesday a +1.72%., hmmmmmmm!

So I checked it's top TEN stocks,

The only stocks within XLI looking STRONG are:

UPS, GE, 3M(mmm)

Top 10 Stocks within XLI looking WEAK:


I have to ask myself why only these 3 stocks. I believe its mutual funds mangers buying for the end of quarter. If correct, then we should see these 3 stocks (UPS, GE, 3M) drop today.


Using 3-Line Break chart for Trend Trading

Posted by ameritrader on 24th of Jun 2009 at 08:55 pm


I am still trying to be a successful Trend trader.  

With the VIX above 20, I have been using www.stockcharts.com60mins Three Line Break charts for entries. With the VIX below 20, I would use the daily charts. For trigger, I use ADX(10)'s +DMI crossover the -DMI, AND StochRSI above 0.65. For exits, I use Trend Lines. Presently since stockcharts tools cannot do this scan, I do a visual inspection over a list of stocks.



Does anyone know of an other software platform that can do 3-line break charts scans with ADX(10) and StochRSI(40)?


Move Elliott Waves reviews to end of reviews

Posted by ameritrader on 14th of May 2009 at 09:18 am

Hi Steve

GREAT review last night (Wednesday May 13)!

And I appreciate that you move the Elliott Wave reviews to the end of the review.

I don't follow the EWs, and sometimes fall asleep with their reviews.

So, when possible, I would appreciate if you could again, move the EWs reviews to the end of the daily reviews.





Swing Trading 60min TRIX 100 turning down

Posted by ameritrader on 30th of Apr 2009 at 03:07 pm

I am using the 60min TRIX 100 for swing trading with EMAs60/500. The $SPX chart is showing the TRIX is turning down.

Review of the last 4 yers shows the TRIX and SPX Price usually go in the same direction. BUT there has been a few times their direction were opposite.

I am trying to add my FIRST chart from Stockcharts, I hope it works!

 If NOT, See my chart at StockCharts Public Lists$SPX&p=60&yr=4&mn=0&dy=0&id=p21744340847&a=166660150&listNum=12

60min TRIX 100 Swing Trading

hmmmmm, it didn't work? How do I insert a chart? I used the insert button.


X US Steel

Posted by ameritrader on 15th of Apr 2009 at 11:55 am

X US Steel was a recommended BUY last night on FAST MONEY, by Dennis Gartman.


Steve's SPX 60min CCI(55) Mech Swing System

Posted by ameritrader on 15th of Apr 2009 at 11:39 am


 for last nights $SPX 60min CCI(55) Mech Swing System

 (at the end of  the April 14 Market Recap).


As a swing trader I have been trying to swing trade between SPY - SDS,


swing trade between QQQQ -QID.


I charted QQQQ with the CCI 55 and EMAs 7&21. The results are so-so.


I would appreciate if you can suggest a fine tune of 60 MIN

CCI(?) and EMAs ?? to swing trade the QQQQ.






Matt's Watch List

Posted by ameritrader on 27th of Feb 2009 at 01:01 am

I just listen to your Thursday (2/26) night update.

I really appreciated your WATCH LIST update video!

PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEE don't change the Watch List, I love it the way it is!



Mech System for $SPX 60min with RSI and 25sMA

Posted by ameritrader on 25th of Feb 2009 at 12:14 pm

Thanks Matt for the Mech Sys for $SPX 60 min.

I added a RSI(14) with a 25sMA.

I found the 25sMA to be a very good trigger for entry and exit. I also use a RSI(28) with 25sMA to override false small trigers.

This is my first attempt to link my Stockcharts chart. If it fails I may re-enter this message.$SPX&p=60&yr=0&mn=2&dy=10&id=p33341570000&a=162068525

Very interesting chart review from

Posted by ameritrader on 26th of Jan 2009 at 12:13 am

Very interesting chart review from Dan Fitzpatrick's Stock Market Mentor. He forecast the 200 SMA will be tested between May-June



Please Help suggest Chart Service

Posted by ameritrader on 16th of Jan 2009 at 11:23 am

Sorry to bug you guys, do you have any suggestions for a Chart Service.

I have created a simple strategy for my swing trades.

I want to daily scan a self created list of 45 stocks, after the closed of the day,

for when their RSI(14)’s price is above the RSI(14) 20days sMoving Average,


the stock’s price is above the stock’s 10days sMoving Average.

Presently I am using Their scanning abilities do NOT allow to scan on the RSI(14) 20days Moving Average. And with their recent price increase, I would like to know if there is another choice.

Any suggestions on what can do this scan, then maybe I would use Stockcharts for the other visual comparisons. From Stockcharts I like to use the $BP bullish percent and/or $SPXA50R stocks over the 50 days moving average.

I see TeleChart has a discount offer till Monday. Would this be an option? I called Telechart, and she was nice, but not able to answer my question.From anyone using Telechart, I would appreciate any comments,

Thanks for the help

Asking for Chart Service suggestions:

Posted by ameritrader on 13th of Jan 2009 at 02:09 pm

As a novice, I have created a simple strategy.

I want to daily scan a self created list of 45 stocks, after the closed of the day,

for when their RSI(14)’s price is above the RSI(14) 20days sMoving Average,


the stock’s price is above the stock’s 10days sMoving Average.

Presently I am using Their scanning abilities do NOT allow to scan on the RSI(14) 20days Moving Average.

What other Chart Service can do this scan     AND

Provide the $BP price charts

On one chart do multi, different price stocks, like $BP, $VIX, etc.

Do multi indicators on one chart and able to add a SMA to that indicator

I really like Stockcharts, but hmmmm, with the recent price increase, I would like to know if there is another choice. 

Thanks for the help

1x or 2x?

Posted by ameritrader on 14th of Sep 2008 at 10:49 pm

Is the PowerShares DB US Dollar Bearish Fund (UDN),

1X or 2X fund?

 As I read its description, I understand it to be only 1X down.

Dollar Play

Posted by ameritrader on 11th of Sep 2008 at 01:53 am

From Wednesday nights review, about the dollar hitting resistance, here are 2X ETF/ETNs:

UDN PowerShares DB US Dollar Bearish Fund

DAG  PowerShares DB Agriculture Double Long

DGP PowerShares DB Gold Double Long

DIG ProShares Ultra Oil & Gas

UYM ProShares Ultra Basic Materials

URR Market Vectors Double Long Euro (hmmm, volume is VERY low!)

KR breakout or channeling?

Posted by ameritrader on 10th of Sep 2008 at 12:38 pm

is KR breakout or channeling?

KRorger: is it breaking out, or is it channeling?

As a novice IRA swing trader, would this be a good channeling stock?

The EMAs are curling up, the HIST is angled up, the RSI has crossed 50, it had strong volume to the upside, during Mondays big sell off, with both OBV & FORCE turned up.

I am asking the master traders for advice as to, would this be a good choice for beginners to trade as a channeling stock, or do you think the upside will flatten out from here?

Support/Stop Loss target at 27.0

Profit target at 29.90 the BB level and previous Resistance levels

thanks for the replies from a struggling chart student! Laughing

LIMBOR spread

Posted by ameritrader on 28th of Jul 2008 at 03:30 pm

Using Stockcharts, how do I chart the LIMBOR yield spread?



Some Trade Ideas

Posted by ameritrader on 18th of Jun 2008 at 10:47 am

First thanks for a fast reply! :' )

As an IRA trader, who buys today then has to hold till Monday (3 days for funds to clear) before selling,

my question:  

is the breakout's run ups due to expiration, which a big chance they will dip after Friday?



Posted by ameritrader on 18th of Jun 2008 at 10:38 am

FPP is looking GOOD?

What about ENT?

? Friday's expiration day ?

Some Trade Ideas

Posted by ameritrader on 18th of Jun 2008 at 10:37 am

Friday is expiration. What is the expiration effect? From those who have been trading, has the past shown, the breakouts will run up till expiration, then dip?


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