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Title: Is it any good?
Title: Anyone use Stock Tracker +Alert?
Title: Anyone uses StockTouch?

Best Smartphone App(s) for ALERTS

Posted by ameritrader on 28th of May 2013 at 01:09 pm
Title: What is the best smartphone app(s) for ALERTS and charts

Investment Question

Posted by ameritrader on 12th of Aug 2011 at 04:36 pm
Title: When to rotate between Growth vs Dividend investments

Is money leaving Bonds?

Posted by ameritrader on 11th of Nov 2010 at 02:11 am

I see selling volume for TLT, Pimco's PHK, and JNK.

Is money leaving Bonds?


AKAM a Stock to Watch

Posted by ameritrader on 24th of Oct 2010 at 05:21 pm
I believe AKAM is getting ready to breakout. The RSI is showing strength at 51%, the SlowSto(60) indicator has stayed above 50% and is pointing UP.
The MACD is turning up. Friday's price crossed above and closed at the 20 & 50 Exp Moving Averagesfor support.
The key to AKAM will be its volume. The volume has dropped off. If volume picks up, then AKAM should be a good buy. .
I suggest this is a Stock to Watch. Also checkout this article on AKAM:

Stocks on the Move by institutional investors


Posted by ameritrader on 17th of Sep 2010 at 01:15 pm

Check out IBD's Stocks on the Move by institutional investors

You can see a tease in the middle of the page at

Posted by ameritrader on 27th of Aug 2010 at 02:40 pm
Title: Good site for Macro Economy

General Market Analysis

Posted by ameritrader on 29th of Jul 2010 at 03:18 am

GREAT review tonight(Wednesday), thanks MATT.

The other night, I think Monday, you mention something about the General Market Analysis taking to much time, and maybe you would skip doing it on a nightly basis. 

As a trend/swing type, I REALLY appreciate the nighly General Market Analysis. Please, please, please continue.

However, as a swing investor, I only need the daily SPX and maybe sometimes, the 60min charts, when the VIX goes higher above 32.  But for me, the 30min, 15min, 5 min, I don't review.

thanks again


I lived in Houston 2003-2005. In and around Houston, the real estate property tax was 3.5% to 4%.

Unlike Calif with Prop 13, TX can raise its property tax anytime the local government needs to. Also add school tax. TX does have very good public schools, better then CA. CA public schools are going broke.

What is the property tax rate in ILL?


SPY system closed it's short

Posted by ameritrader on 17th of Jul 2010 at 01:33 am
Title: Zignals

Another LONG term Indicator that works

Posted by ameritrader on 25th of May 2010 at 09:27 pm

Another LONG term Indicator that works

I hope it helps. It uses:

$VIX with HL at 17, 32, 45

$SPX 60 min, EMA 60 & 500

Slow STO 600, 0 and I use the TRIX 100 instead of the MACD

How do I add a Stockchart to my Post

Posted by ameritrader on 25th of May 2010 at 09:10 pm


But I forgot how to add a Stockchart to the post.

Please help



Thanks for the SRS comments

Posted by ameritrader on 4th of Mar 2010 at 01:04 am

Thanks MATT,

 for the SRS comments, in your Wednesday night review!


Check out Frontline's (OTC derivatives) "Warning"

Posted by ameritrader on 23rd of Feb 2010 at 12:28 am

Check out PBS Frontline’s (market) "Warning" about OTC derivatives at

Like Born says, to save the America's money!

You see time and time again, the taxpayer bailing out Wall Street.

Yet their lobbiest, and their behind the scenes power play, makes us focus on blaming others and not them.



Stockcharts Elliott Wave count

Posted by ameritrader on 22nd of Feb 2010 at 10:39 pm

What do you guys think about Arthur Hill's Stockcharts Elliott Wave count on today's newsletter?



Attention ALL Stockcharts Users

Posted by ameritrader on 19th of Feb 2010 at 12:18 pm

Attention to all Stockcharts Users:

I am begging you to do a request to Stockcharts to create a $BPRUT bullish percent indicator for the Russell 2000 small cap index.

We have a $BP for the other major indexes, but not Russell 2000.

Pleaseeeeee do the request!



I am a swing/position trader, and I find trading the $BP indexes and majorsectors to be very easy and profitable.


NYSE stocks only 82% of the S&P 500 index

Posted by ameritrader on 4th of Feb 2010 at 09:07 pm
Title: summary

Wednesday Night Review

Posted by ameritrader on 24th of Dec 2009 at 01:02 am

Hi Matt

I just watched the Wednesday Night Review.

GREAT review as usual, THANKS!

I am a swing trader, and really appreciate the long term indicators you show us.

I love the SlowSto 60 , the NYSI indicator. the ratio trends, and others.

Thanks so much!


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