NYMO update

Posted by matt on 10th of Jul 2012 at 07:08 pm

$NYMO - Chart Link - updated, definitely provided a nice sell signal from last week

Moon and Nymo McClellan

Posted by matt on 9th of Jul 2012 at 10:12 pm

$SPX - Chart Link - Moon cycle chart, clearly the last Moon cycle provided an inflection point top last week, lately the cycles have marked inflection points. The next cycle isn't until July 19th, so not for a while

$NYMO - Chart Link - The NYMO McClellan Oscillator, also marked some kind of top last week, continues to work lower

NYMO and NAMO McClellan Oscillator Indicator Warning

Posted by matt on 3rd of Jul 2012 at 06:35 pm

Here's a chart of the NYMO McClellan Oscillator - note that it closed in an extremely overbought condition.  Now study the chart for a moment and note how well this indicator has been at marking at least short term tops and bottoms, the S&P 500 is plotted at the bottom.  Therefore with the NYMO in such an overbought condition, it would not surprise me to see the market soon have some kind of pullback.

$NYMO - Chart Link - another NYMO chart which shows that the NYMO closed outside the upper Bollinger Bands, this is quite rare and generally significant

$NAMO - Chart Link - NAMO - the Nasdaq version, also closed outside the upper Bollinger Bands


Posted by matt on 2nd of Jul 2012 at 07:06 pm

$NYMO - Chart Link - got overbought again today


Posted by matt on 21st of Jun 2012 at 04:25 pm

$NYMO - Chart Link - the chart hasn't updated yet, won't update for another hr, but anyway it was overbought yesterday and Wednesday.

Also take a look at summer 2010, after the initial May sell off, the market bounced up and down for 2 months before bottoming, the first two times the NYMO got overbought were great shorts.

Next look at recent times last Aug, after the Aug selloff, the first bounce caused the NYMO to get overbought and that was a sell signal.

looks similar this time, we had a big sell off in May, and you sell the first rally, NYMO got overbought

jennelle1- $NYMO for the NYSI, and


Posted by matt on 11th of Jun 2012 at 10:04 am

jennelle1- $NYMO for the NYSI, and $NAMO for the Nasdaq, here's a couple charts

Stockcharts.com Explaination

NYMO chart from newsletter

NYMO chart

NAMO chart

NYMO update

Posted by matt on 21st of May 2012 at 08:59 pm

$NYMO - Chart Link - here's the updated chart

NYMO and NAMO Indicators comments

Posted by matt on 19th of May 2012 at 05:50 pm

$NYMO - Chart Link - The NYMO is now quite oversold and the 2 RSI closed at 0.24% on Friday, therefore the market is probably getting close to some kind of oversold bounce soon.  But again what kind of bounce will it be?  Take a look at the history and notice that it was quite a bit lower in August of last year and in May 2010.  Also notice that happened during those times is that the market put in an oversold bounce, but then pulled back again to form a lower low.  Also notice during those two times that the NYMO formed a positive divergence i.e. it formed a higher low while the NYSE formed a lower low.  

Perhaps we'll see something similar this time around i.e. an oversold bounce soon, but then another pullback to form a lower low, while the NYMO forms a higher low

$NYMO - Chart Link - The NYMO is not yet below its lower Bollinger Band

$NAMO - Chart Link - The NAMO chart hasn't yet closed below its lower Bollinger Bands, though it's close.



Posted by matt on 17th of May 2012 at 07:49 pm

$NYMO - Chart Link - Last night I commented that the NYMO wasn't oversold yet, well obviously it fell it fell is is now oversold.  Again it doesn't mean that it can't get more oversold, I'm just showing the updated chart.

Perhaps this indicator will be


Posted by matt on 17th of May 2012 at 11:45 am

Perhaps this indicator will be oversold after today's action, last night I noted that it wasn't oversold yet

NYMO chart


Posted by matt on 16th of May 2012 at 11:03 pm

yes I have a TS

Could someone explain the Hindenburg effect ?

Posted by matt on 26th of Apr 2012 at 04:56 pm

yes I have a TS workspace, it didn't give a signal

also here's a Stockcharts.com Chart with the rules on it, as you can see, not signal


LOL the Hindenburg again?  man that was discussed so many times here in the past, type Hindenburg into the search box and you will see tons of discussion on it.  


Here's a Stockcharts.com Workspace, as you can see, there is no signal


One also occurred last year in Late Nov near the bottom and in mid Dec, near that pullback low.  I think most people stopped paying attention to that back in 2010 when it gave repeated false sell signals

stitch - thanks for the chart, however just an FYI, it's much better and cleaner to post the chart URL inside the text box instead of in the title i.e.  Plus this way the URL will work, when it's posted in the title of the post the URL only points to the post and not the chart.

NYMO chart

Dynamic Links

Posted by matt on 20th of Oct 2009 at 10:44 pm
Title: Dynamic Links - click to expand


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