NYMO closed below it's lower bands

Posted by matt on 4th of May 2016 at 04:48 pm

NYMO clarification

Posted by matt on 8th of Apr 2016 at 09:56 am

$NYMO - Chart Link - a few of you told me in pms  that we forgot to point out again that the NYMO closed below it's lower BB's yesterday.  Nope not this time, it didn't close below it's lower BB's yesterday, visually it may look like it did but it didn't, though it was damn close

NYMO system

Posted by matt on 6th of Apr 2016 at 07:59 pm

$NYMO - Chart Link - another good reason for a rally today, the NYMO had closed below it's lower BB's yesterday.  Steve and I forget to look at that sometimes on minor pullbacks in the market, gave a nice signal yesterday

NYMO and NYMO BB systems

Posted by matt on 18th of Mar 2016 at 11:01 pm

$NYMO - Chart Link - I can't believe that I didn't see this on Tuesday!  Both the NYMO and NAMO indicators closed below their lower Bollinger Bands, this generally a good buy signal.  I suppose I didn't think to look since generally these trade setups occur on deeper pullbacks, oh well, as you can see it would have worked nicely

$NAMO - Chart Link

NAMO and NYMO playing out

Posted by matt on 16th of Nov 2015 at 01:27 pm

$NAMO - Chart Link - had closed below their lower BB's 2 days in a row, which is about as much as you get before a bounce

$NYMO - Chart Link

NYMO and NAMO closed below lower BB's

Posted by matt on 15th of Nov 2015 at 04:10 pm

$NYMO - Chart Link - the NAMO and NYMO closed below their lower Bollinger Bands two days in a row, usually 2 in a row is max before a bounce occurs

$NAMO - Chart Link


Posted by matt on 24th of Aug 2015 at 09:10 pm

$NYMO - Chart Link - closed a second day below the lower BB's


Posted by matt on 21st of Aug 2015 at 04:42 pm

$NYMO - Chart Link  - these they both closed below their lower BB's

$NAMO - Chart Link

NYMO system produced a nice trade

Posted by matt on 1st of May 2015 at 04:22 pm

$NYMO - Chart Link - via closing below the lower BB worked for a nice trade today

also the NYMO chart hasn't updated yet, takes about an hr after the market in Stockcharts

NYMO closed below the lower BB

Posted by matt on 1st of May 2015 at 12:46 am

$NYMO - Chart Link - short term could signal a bounce, could be just a short term bounce, but generally you get one


Posted by matt on 11th of Dec 2014 at 09:45 am

$NYMO - Chart Link - not surprised to see a bounce today, remember the NYMO closed below the lower BB yesterday and when that happens you almost always get at least some kind of bounce, doesn't mean that it's a bottom as price could bounce a couple days then go to new lows, but you usually at least get some kind of reaction bounce when this occurs

NYMO close up view

Posted by matt on 3rd of Aug 2014 at 09:53 pm

$NYMO - Chart Link - here's a close up view to go with the NYMO chart that Steve posted below, I discuss in the newsletter as well


Posted by matt on 18th of Sep 2013 at 09:48 pm

NYMO with Bollinger Bands

Posted by matt on 30th of May 2013 at 02:28 pm

$NYMO - Chart Link - closed below the lower BB's yesterday and market is up today, it's been such a powerful indicator for buying pullbacks

Gotta respect those NAMO/NYMO charts with BB's

Posted by matt on 28th of May 2013 at 10:33 am

$NYMO - Chart Link - closed below their BB's last week on the pullback and once again produce a bounce - these have been working so well

$NAMO - Chart Link

NYLOW, NAMO and NYMO update

Posted by matt on 19th of Nov 2012 at 05:11 pm

$NYLOW - Chart Link - Obviously a nice bounce in the market, but again these indicators were at extreme levels late last week, as you can see from the NYLOW here, so should not be a surprise

$NAMO - Chart Link - NAMO and NYMO with Bollinger Bands

$NYMO - Chart Link

Market comments

Posted by matt on 19th of Nov 2012 at 08:51 am

As you know futures are up quite a bit, but that shouldn't be any surprise, the market was so oversold that many of the indicators were at extreme levels and when you get that hard fast rallies can occur at any time - basically what I'm saying is expect high volatility when indicators are like that

$NYLOW - Chart Link

$RHCOMPQ - Chart Link

$NYMO - Chart Link


Posted by matt on 15th of Nov 2012 at 05:29 pm

$NYMO - Chart Link - down a little more today

$NYMO - Chart Link


Posted by matt on 15th of Nov 2012 at 09:57 am

$NYMO - Chart Link - Here's a longer view of the NYMO, last night I showed the NYMO with Bollinger Bands, this one goes further back without BB's, instead uses the -80 level - gives you a visual of how this current spike down is in relation to previous spike lows, clearly it's low right now, but as you can see many times on deep pullbacks it goes quite a bit lower

$NYMO - Chart Link

NYMO and NAMO with Bollinger Bands

Posted by matt on 14th of Nov 2012 at 07:46 pm

$NYMO - Chart Link - price spiked below the Bollinger Bands on both the NYMO and NAMO, so it's something to take note of as spikes below the Bollinger Bands can sometimes market short term or tradeable bottoms.  

However these can be early and clearly the market index charts still do not look good, just pointing out these indicators for now as we are getting oversold in the short term.

$NAMO - Chart Link


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