nice up day for these

Posted by matt on 29th of Jun 2023 at 04:05 pm

GDXJ - Chart Link- the ratio turned up today, price regained the 200 day MA. There's RSI 5 divergence and MACD div. Watch the trendlines on the ratio and 14 RSI

GDX - Chart Link-

RGLD - Chart Link-

the SP trend/pullback went long on Monday and is already looking to exit today because price got its simple mean reversion. However the original exit condition for this system was the BPT DS indicator getting over 0.8, and it's only at 0.11. I had added the aggressive mean reversion exit back in early 2020 to help prevent systems like this from getting stuck. 

That said to me the market looks fine. Therefore even though the aggressive version of this system is fully exiting today, I'm going to split the difference and only close 1/2 of it, and then set a a stop at yesterday's close. 


Posted by matt on 22nd of Jun 2023 at 02:01 pm

RGLD - Chart Link- an aggressive trade would be to be long some with a stop at yesterday's doji low.

monitor the RGLD/GLD ratio trendline 

you can find some tday trade setups generally on the 1st page, zoom down to 3 and 5 min charts, look for things l like flags, trendlines, coils etc, focus on price action and level 2 as a guide,sh_price_o1,sh_relvol_o1.5&o=-change 

SPX 5 min

Posted by matt on 16th of Jun 2023 at 12:26 pm

$SPX - Chart Link- typical OPEX chop and of course after a huge move yesterday consolidation.

generally on OPEX my observation is that the market doesn't trend one direction all day, so the fact that we've pulled back this morning 1/2 the day, maybe the 2nd 1/2 will be up if price breaks through that channel and VWAP

buy abc's or 3 wave pullbacks in uptrends

Posted by matt on 15th of Jun 2023 at 04:09 pm

I always say keep it simple, in uptrends when you see 3 wave abc pullbacks, those focusing on buying those, that's all we had all day and lately yesterday, except for the very last part of day

anyway hell of a day all around

arun - trend days, can employ a 10/15 min gap rule to check, also depends on volume and breadth. 

also trend days better when the gap is taking out a resistance area like a downtrend line or other trendline -but we are at new highs so that is not the case, anything goes here

what's nice on days like this is the cycle indicator - you get a breakout over the intra day resistance cycles that confirm the trend day- nice intra day signals

BBAI follow up

Posted by matt on 9th of Jun 2023 at 09:37 am

BBAI - Chart Link- as I said the other day I took some at the 200 day MA with a stop, was logical area. Some AI exposure, still needs to break the downtrend line

Volatility Systems trend hold example and trades

Posted by matt on 7th of Jun 2023 at 02:51 pm

this image shows one of the volatility systems GOOGL, the one on the left doesn't have the trend hold condition turned on, while the one on the right does. 

You can see how the long trade on the left closed out last week

The version on the right closed out this morning - here's the thing, these trend hold trades will work differently from what you guys are used to:  whenever the systems have a trend hold condition triggered, we will not be exiting trades at the close - instead you would set a stop at the previous days lows and it would move up each to to the next candle. You can see how the GOOGL trade instead of exiting last week would have exited early today with the stop at yesterday's  candle low.

you can also see the trend hold back in March allowed the system to hold that move. The one on the left entered, exited, then went long again

IWM outperformance

Posted by matt on 7th of Jun 2023 at 09:46 am

IWM - Chart Link- I've been saying for the last few weeks that I expected IWM to outperform the others as it plays catch up and if I wasn't long the indexes I would have bought a new position in IWM vs the QQQ's or SPY 

anyway today IWM getting into the supply zone, that doesn't mean it's a sell here, just something to be aware of, follow the trend

On the weekend I did some work on these volatility systems. They work the same way as the VIX or VVIX SPY system with trades generated when the volatility instruments are outside their Bollinger Bands and close back inside. There's more than just the VIX and VVIX, there's a VIX-like instrument for QQQ which is the VXN, one for the Dow which is the VXD, one for IWM which is the RVX, one for crude oil via OVX, and ones for some large stocks like AAPL, AMZ etc. I have 12 of these systems


This year 2023 these 12 systems generated 45 trades! It's only 1/2 the year so I think we'll see 90 to over 100 trades by the year end.

I complied one other year, 2020 - during that year these 12 systems produced 104 trades. 

That said the trades are real short term - like 1 - 3 days. But that said, that's not all that bad, it means your money is in the market very little of the time and mostly in cash. Also - the stats I have are just the raw versions with no trend hold conditions - I plan to run some backtests to add that, which should add quite a bit more profits to the overall systems trade history as it will allow some of the system trades to hold for longer periods of time when the trend hold conditions are being met

here's some images, and tables showing trades.

This is something I could probably get done over the next couple of weeks and add to the SPY ES mix

hello vasiboy - yes I sent out that SPY system breakout trade yesterday morning on the open. It worked out better as it actually triggered on Tuesday and prices then fell about 30 points on Wednesday, so we got better prices.  

I looked at your email and looks like you got the email and opened it about a day ago. I also sent a text message out that morning with the email - if you find that you get a better notification via text you may want to sign up for that. These days we see text messages easier than emails. see attachment, I removed your personal info

and yes some of your comments about things are very true. Lot of emotion here and some of the comments from folks just do not help -the constant rah rah posts without giving any substance is of no use and actually gets others who maybe struggling and new emotional

and yes the markets can stay stupid far longer than you can imagine - which is why you adhere to your triggers and your system. 

When I pointed out things over the past couple weeks showing the negative breadth and stating that the market needs to get broader leadership than 8 stocks, and showing some things like the negative breadth on the McClellan and HYG. It's my job to point those things out, not ignore them. I didn't tell people okay sell your longs, go short - no play the trend at hand until it changes. And we've started to see what I said we need to see, other groups and sectors starting to participate. 

a good analogy: let's say you are driving your car and you see a yellow flashing sign, or you see dark rain clouds - do you stop driving? no, you keep driving, but  you might be a bit more cautious and pay more attention but you keep driving - and maybe it doesn't rain and the clouds pass right by. 

SPX 5 min

Posted by matt on 2nd of Jun 2023 at 03:06 pm

$SPX - Chart Link- again guys today was trend day, the focus on trend days is to focus on buying intra day pullbacks - exception can be late afternoon, but otherwise all morning, after mid day consolidation, you focus on buying those pullbacks/consolidations if one is playing ES or indexes

for individual stocks - trade those off the triggers from those charts

come on man- first off I just ran the stats - 97% of our trade ideas this year have been longs, longs, not shorts

2. back in Oct we favored a good trade low with the 5 completed waves and favored over time a move up to the 61.8% Fib 4300 - 4350 area over time, and maybe into the summer. 

while we may not have favored a rally as a new bull market - we favored overall uptrend and we play what is in front of us. Do you see us out here shorting everything, not putting out longs? 

systems have been doing longs even reversion to mean - SPY breakout the other day

KISS systems been long

make a plan, follow it, follow your triggers. 

we can always do better and we always strive to and to improve, but I think we do a damn good job here. and we are far from perfect, but we are no Jim Crammer and Tom Lee

GDX had everything lined up

Posted by matt on 2nd of Jun 2023 at 08:35 am

As you know, GDX bounced nicely the last couple of days, but it really had everything lined line

- you had  Demark 13
- you had price at the 61.8% Fib (the master fib)
- you had a daily uptrend line

whenever you have multiple technical factors all at once, not just one thing, that's powerful

yes we didn't get the gap and go trend day, but otherwise it behaved like a trend day - strong rally up all morning, mid day sideways consolidation, followed by a 2nd pop in the afternoon that was divergent, then pulled back after that divergent afternoon high

SPX 5 min

Posted by matt on 1st of Jun 2023 at 12:47 pm

$SPX - Chart Link remember this is a trend day - so look for the typical mid day consolidation for about an hr - lower risk buy would be near the 50 SMA if price can get that far down (not sure as that's pretty far away

other things to watch for is the MACD to recycle back to zero, watch for 3 small waves down, you may need to look at a smaller time frame etc, watch 60 Stochastic-  it should stay above 80%

STNE comments

Posted by matt on 30th of May 2023 at 12:31 pm

STNE - Chart Link one of your commented on STNE below, it didn't make it to that 15 target on the first move, glad I took my profits up in there

STNE - Chart Link on the daily it's pulled back nicely - by the way that RSI 14 trendline break provided an excellent sell signal. Remember draw trendlines on the 14 RSI when possible for good triigers

It's pulled back the top portion of a wide demand zone. I'm not biting on it yet, would be nice to have it test the 50 day MA over time. If the volume was strong on the up move I would be more interested in it, but that move up was on just okay volume

$SPX - Chart Link- I"m not going to keep posting this and seems like most of you are gone, but I have a nice early heads up on that flag earlier before it broke

again typical trend day playing out to a tee. Just perfect with that mid day consolidation to the 50 SMA where price rallied off-  these trend repeat that pattern over and over


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