IWM followup

Posted by matt on 2nd of May 2023 at 10:08 am

IWM - Chart Link- bactested that extened trendline yesterday, good short

just working on systems on a Friday

Posted by matt on 28th of Apr 2023 at 12:42 pm

On Friday's I do trades I the morning and afternoon, but I cut my trading way back and try to spend some time working on backend stuff  and strategies 

just showing what I'm doing, giving this writeup to James to code - to add a trending hold on the MACD KISS/Stoch system using the DMI as a trend hold and either a 14/1 ATR or BPT MA deluxe for stop

just showing you how I come up with systems settings - it's all about looking for repeatable pattens - then writing up rules and examples for it - then trying to get it to  code

Systems: QE BTS is exiting tomorrow on the open NOT today

Posted by matt on 27th of Apr 2023 at 04:22 pm

man I always forget about this, the QE BTS exits its longs the next day on the open NOT the same day, sorry about that

see the image, the Trend/Pullback exited for SPY on left. ES will exit once that bar closes, and the QE BTS upper middle will exit tomorrow morning

System update

Posted by matt on 27th of Apr 2023 at 02:32 pm

Update on the systems: First off good thing the DVDS short covered 1/2 yesterday. And we also had that 3rd system go long via the SPY QE BTS but only took 1/2

that said - all the long systems are looking to close:

- Trend/Pullback for SPY and ES, and QE BTS for SPY

just because you think we might still be a longer term bear why let that stop you from taking longs that meet your trigger conditions and strategies. 

bear markets can go in phases and have uptrends lasting many months 6 months, 8 months or a cyclical bull inside a bear. Plus some of the target levels we've favored all year and since last Oct was the 4200 - 4350 area. 

and short term we called for at least a 4th wave pullback over a week ago, and once done anther move higher.

all KISS systems have been long on daily indexes and today they now have new STS

again just focus on your triggers and plan, vs letting a term like bear market stop you from entering or holding your trades as you normally would via your system

remember it's a trend day,

Posted by matt on 27th of Apr 2023 at 01:44 pm

remember it's a trend day, and usually don't get any meaningful pullback until the afternoon on those days, best on trend days to focus on buying all the shallow dips the first 1/2 of the day

GDX follow up

Posted by matt on 26th of Apr 2023 at 09:32 am

GDX - Chart Link- triggered yesterday breaking that wedge and various trendlines on the ratio and RSI, stop at the swing high

GDX - Chart Link- daily view

having some issues with Tradestation so will send out after the close

- SPY breakout system is stopping out (nice timely exit on ES breakout yesterday)
- SPY DVDS short holding
- MES DVDS short holding

New systems:
- SPY - Trend/Pullback taking 1st entry (10K SPY ETF or$5K if doing 1/2 size)
- MES - Trend/Pullback taking 1st entry (2 MESM23 contracts or 1 contact if doing 1/2 size or SH ETF in place of futures)

side note: because the Trend/Pullback is entering on both SPY and ES, if one wanted to reduce risk you could consider entering 1/2 position on each

SPY and ES systems possible trades

Posted by matt on 25th of Apr 2023 at 03:20 pm

Nice exit by the ES breakout yesterday!

At the moment I'm seeing a 1st entry long for the Trend/Pullback on SPY and MES, and a 2nd entry on the SPY breakout. Now on the breakout a 2nd entry is tight, basically if price were then to go lower it would stop out pretty quickly. The breakout system can only have 2 entries and when the 2nd entry occurs it's close to stopping out anyway

as I said it's OPEX,

Remember OPEX, should be volatile

Posted by matt on 21st of Apr 2023 at 10:18 am

as I said it's OPEX, don't expect prices to just trend today

see the updated 1 min ES TICK pivots chart: price sold off from that resistance zone, and then bounced near that support zone - chop -  if you shorted that move in the morning was best to cover -again this is typical of OPEX

especially later in the day

Remember OPEX, should be volatile

Posted by matt on 21st of Apr 2023 at 10:09 am

best if you are day trading the indexes or some some stocks to take singles today vs holding for big moves - OPEX you typically don't get a big trend move one way all day, but sharp moves both up and down

next week will likely start the next trend move

at noon I said to

Market update

Posted by matt on 20th of Apr 2023 at 05:20 pm

at noon I said to watch those broken trendlines for a backtest and BOOM god that 30 min was so perfect. I gave you heads up mid day

yes that's why I commented earlier was good to consider locking in short gains vs getting greedy and hoping it would trend lower tomorrow. OPEX notorious for moves like this end of day we saw

yeah remember OPEX tomorrow so

ES 4134 potential target 

Posted by matt on 20th of Apr 2023 at 03:34 pm

yeah remember OPEX tomorrow so likely not to be a trend day tomorrow but more of a chop day

GDX 120 min, DUST follow up

Posted by matt on 17th of Apr 2023 at 09:38 am

GDX - Chart Link- last Friday broke that trendline band backtested it, was good place to go short, 

DUST - Chart Link- out of the channel, watch for a symmetry break, which would confirm a higher low on the next pullback

last night made a beta

VIX 5 min signals

Posted by matt on 13th of Apr 2023 at 10:56 am

last night made a beta VIX system with the Bollinger Bands - here are it's trades for the 5 min today - the trick not the entry but when to exit. Sometimes you get a big move and sometimes just a tiny one and resumption back in the trend. So I simply have it closing the trade when price goes back over a short term MA 

follow up on gold stocks

Posted by matt on 13th of Apr 2023 at 09:43 am

GDX - Chart Link - followed through again, that small divergence was negated, again divergence is not a sell signal, you need more than that for a trigger, meanwhile stay with the trend

GDX - Chart Link -

FSM - Chart Link - broke out today

RGLD - Chart Link -

RBLX follow up

Posted by matt on 12th of Apr 2023 at 09:42 am

RBLX - Chart Link- I've been saying the chop since it tried to break over the trendline over a week ago was just noise and no reason to have stopped out, if today's gains hold stop can be moved up to Monday's lows

RBLX follow up

Posted by matt on 6th of Apr 2023 at 11:35 am

RBLX - Chart Link- last night I said despite pulling back if you bought this for a short term swing trade, was really no reason to stop out of it just because it pulled back slightly below the trendline. Swing stop at this point could still be just below the uptrend line or tighter at today's lows around 44.3

AI 60 min

Posted by matt on 6th of Apr 2023 at 11:31 am

AI - Chart Link- was very oversold yesterday with that wide MA ribbon and price was also near that lower trendline support


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