traveling computer

    Intra day comments

    Posted by ptbouras on 14th of Sep 2009 at 03:51 pm

    Any Apple

    Wait a couple months...

    Posted by curtis on 14th of Sep 2009 at 04:13 pm

    I don't own an Apple, but have only heard great things from friends that have them.  But if you don't want an Apple, may as well wait for Windows 7 for it to already be pre-installed, and long as it's that time of year anyway, wait until black Friday and save several hundred dollars, either online or in store at Office Max/Depot, Best Buy or elsewhere that day.  I try and research what I purchase, to find the pros and cons at different sites before buying an item, especially one so expensive.

    Yes and from what I

    Posted by matt on 14th of Sep 2009 at 05:46 pm

    Yes and from what I hear, Windows 7 rocks!  Almost everything is compatible with it right away and it's fast, I've talked to a few developers and custom desktop builders, and they all love it

    Also, get an SSD, solid state hard drive for the operating system, they really make a big difference.

    I'm going to build a 'God' System a little later this fall.


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