Cramer on Prechter

    Posted by kalinm on 1st of Sep 2009 at 11:48 pm

    I rarely watch Cramer, but I am tonight for some reason.  Does anybody take him seriously anymore?  Anyway, a caller called in to ask Cramer's opinion of Robert Prechter and his analysis.  Cramer was very curt and mentioned that he used to listen to Prechter's comments in the 80s, but found him too negative.  He then quickly concluded that Prechter's calls don't make him any money.  Ludicrous.  Prechter called a massive short covering rally at SP 725 while Cramer was soiling his trousers.  If I had the time or video editing skills, I could quickly make a hilarious video of all of this.

    Seriously, when Jon Stewart took Cramer to the woodshed in the spring, I thought we wouldn't have to listen to him anymore.

    My favorite cramer call was

    Posted by billrosen on 2nd of Sep 2009 at 08:59 am

    My favorite cramer call was when he said in early March this year, if you need your money in the next five years to MUST SELL EVERYTHING NOW!!!!

    I saw that and cracked up

    Posted by gabebristow on 2nd of Sep 2009 at 01:34 am

    Honestly, I have not watched CNBC for quite some time, especially since joining this site awhile back, but that was comical.  Actually, it made me think.... Maybe tonight Cramer was on Prechters side or our side confluenting the public again.

    (All words, such as confluenting not assumed real and have creds towards street slang or wall street slang here within)


    Darren in AZ


    And someone on here mentioned

    Posted by ditch on 2nd of Sep 2009 at 09:20 am

    And someone on here mentioned Cramer tearing up a Teddy Bear last week because the bears were dead.

    He's a clown, nothing more.


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