how about a zoom in/out shortcut

    New Image System For Blog

    Posted by trip on 12th of Aug 2009 at 11:26 pm

    I like the shortcut of clicking outside the picture to close it.  It would also be nice if clicking inside the picture toggled between full size and sized-to-fit.

    You guys are doing an awesome job with this blog!  Best I've seen.

    there is a zoom

    Posted by James_Roe on 12th of Aug 2009 at 11:35 pm

    The image will scale to the full size of your screen without going to lower resolution, if it is larger than your screen in the top right there is an explode button that will make it full size.

    thanks for the happy feedback, glad to hear it.

    yes, but it would be

    Posted by trip on 12th of Aug 2009 at 11:49 pm

    yes, but it would be great to have the shortcut of just clicking on the picture in addition to the explode button - i almost always want to explode charts to full size, and clicking on that big picture is a lot easier than clicking on the small explode button.  just my $.02 worth.

    the problem with that

    Posted by James_Roe on 12th of Aug 2009 at 11:58 pm

    is that in a multi image post the left and right side of an image are used for the next and previous links. That's also though why we added a "click to open in new tab" link on the bottom.

    Image left and right

    Posted by mamaduck on 13th of Aug 2009 at 12:50 am

    James, can we make it so that when I have gone to the enlarged  image, and click on next (at the bottom or at the RHS of the image) or previous, to keep the next image in enlarged view?


    Looking into this.

    Posted by James_Roe on 13th of Aug 2009 at 04:59 am

    I'm not the author of this particular JS library that handles all the fancy shmancyness. When I figure it out I'll probably implement it as a profile preference, ie: resize or not.

    okay, now i see.  thanks!

    Posted by trip on 13th of Aug 2009 at 12:05 am

    okay, now i see.  thanks!


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