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I have the close at

SPY Swing System Trade Alert

Posted by trip on 22nd of Mar 2012 at 04:06 pm

I have the close at 139.17 so I'm assuming the system took the trade (I did), even though after the close the SPY is trading at or a bit higher than the trigger price.

I'm still in the trade

IMPORTANT - SPY System Newsletter

Posted by trip on 22nd of Nov 2011 at 10:14 am

I'm still in the trade too.  I've committed only a reasonable amount to the system, so I don't get stressed, and I don't feel the need to post anything (usually!).  I just take the signals and do the trades.  Thanks for the hard work and the 10% guarantee!

Title: Here are the basic

I got the video link to work....

Posted by trip on 9th of Aug 2011 at 08:14 am
Title: Here are the basic few points I took from the video...

You're right - you do post plenty about trading and I think your posts in that domain are excellent.  I should have said that in my original post.  I was not trying to be nasty.  It just seems that sometimes you drift off into posting about politics, and I find those posts annoying in the context of this blog.  I usually bite me tongue, but today I didn't.  Sorry to be taking up blog space with this.    Respectfully,  Trip

Please save your right wing

Soros sounds warning on gold rally

Posted by trip on 15th of Sep 2010 at 03:41 pm

Please save your right wing views for a political blog.  This one is supposed to be focused on trading.  I don't' need you to tell me who or what I should hate!

okay, now i see.  thanks!

New Image System For Blog

Posted by trip on 13th of Aug 2009 at 12:05 am

okay, now i see.  thanks!

yes, but it would be

New Image System For Blog

Posted by trip on 12th of Aug 2009 at 11:49 pm

yes, but it would be great to have the shortcut of just clicking on the picture in addition to the explode button - i almost always want to explode charts to full size, and clicking on that big picture is a lot easier than clicking on the small explode button.  just my $.02 worth.

how about a zoom in/out shortcut

New Image System For Blog

Posted by trip on 12th of Aug 2009 at 11:26 pm

I like the shortcut of clicking outside the picture to close it.  It would also be nice if clicking inside the picture toggled between full size and sized-to-fit.

You guys are doing an awesome job with this blog!  Best I've seen.

Click on the thumbnail

SPX 5 min

Posted by trip on 12th of Aug 2009 at 01:16 pm

There is no link.  There is a small picture of the chart.  Click on that.


FWIW: It would be great if members of the blog ...

Posted by trip on 10th of Jul 2009 at 09:51 am


I'm confused too.  Looks to

SRS 15 min

Posted by trip on 11th of May 2009 at 08:06 pm

I'm confused too.  Looks to me like during the the last 15-min bar of the day, the 9 EMA crossed and closed above the 39 EMA.  Generally that would mean to go long, but of course we don't do that at 4pm.  Doesn't that mean we automatically go long at the market open tomorrow morning?  I don't understand how a morning gap would matter (except maybe to alert us of a possible whipsaw in case the market gaps up hard).  The gap won't change the fact that there was already a EMA cross.

It would be easier to

off topic...dont read. IGNORE

Posted by trip on 8th of Apr 2009 at 11:47 am

It would be easier to ignore if you didn't post this kind of stuff.  It has nothing to do with markets and degrades this blog.

$DJR.X on Ameritrade works for


Posted by trip on 12th of Feb 2009 at 01:54 pm

$DJR.X on Ameritrade works for me.

keep 'em coming, rp!  we

Posted by trip on 10th of Feb 2009 at 01:32 pm

keep 'em coming, rp!  we can't get too much from you.  thanks for sharing!!!


Posted by trip on 6th of Jan 2009 at 08:45 am

Matt/Steve,  It would be incredibly useful to have links to the dynamic versions of the charts presented in the current market recap.  Just a thought.

There are lots of very happy customers here.  Me among them.

RE: ticker


Posted by trip on 3rd of Jun 2008 at 10:27 am

Maybe this is one for the programmer's bug list.  I think the subject should be automatically filled in when making a reply (similar to email - RE: xxx).  The poster could change the subject if desired.  Just my $0.02 worth.    Trip

I experience the same thing

A question for the site members

Posted by trip on 5th of May 2008 at 01:29 pm

I experience the same thing in IE7.  Looks like the page never finishes downloading.

Matt, I'm hoping this is

Duplicate Messages

Posted by trip on 22nd of Apr 2008 at 10:48 am

Matt, I'm hoping this is something you have you're programmer working on.  I imagine many of us are very used to hitting refresh and it's a hard habit to break.  Also, given that we have to select a topic to post a message, the site should enforce this (i.e. either the Post Message button is not active unless a topic is select or we get a warning message if we try to post without selecting a topic). Thanks for all your hard work!  The new blog is a great improvement!     Trip

Seems to be a bug.  The work-around seems to use the "All Messages" link to refresh instead of you browser's refresh button.


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