So if the government is

    Just an OT rant

    Posted by rgoodwin on 8th of Jul 2009 at 06:07 pm

    So if the government is stepping in with taxpayer money, why are they allowing an even WORSE business model to be developed and executed? The market needs to be free of intervention. Regulations can and should be put in place to protect the masses, but once someone decides to ignore the rules, or in the case of our financial system, go beyond any reasonable man's concept of safe and sound business practices, they are supposed to be allowed to fail. If the government is going to use my money, my children's money, and my grandchildren's money to support the bad decisions rather than prosecute for breaking laws or ignoring rules, then they ALSO need to be directing proper, fair, and equitable ways to execute the use of the taxpayer funds.

    Agreed.   My only point is that

    Posted by algyros on 8th of Jul 2009 at 06:13 pm



    My only point is that unfettered market forces are no more the answer than pure state control.

    Free market or not

    Posted by mamaduck on 8th of Jul 2009 at 07:34 pm

    Algyros - I don't know if well regulated state control is better or Free Market. But there is a fallacy that I need to point out. If there truly was a free market, there would have been no BAC left to give out any loans or cancel credits. Its valuable assets would have been auctioned off to the highest bidder long ago at pennies on the dollar, and some other entity would have taken over its depositors and customers.


    Also if there was a true free market, we probably would have gone through a very sever deflationary depression where millions more would have lost their jobs, homes etc. as well as thousands of financial institutions would have been bankrupt by now and would have disappeared. We may even have had some substantial social unrest and possibly literally blood on the streets. But we probably would have seen some signs of innovation and hope right about now.


    Are we going to avoid any of the pain the way we are going now? I don't know, and I don't pretend to have the answer. Only time will tell.

    How about laissez fair capitalism?

    Posted by erikwil on 8th of Jul 2009 at 10:36 pm

    in answer to your "Free Market":

    if there had been a Free Market all along there  would not have been the political muscle to have everybody that wants to get an affordable housing to begin with, regardless if they can afford it or not. In a Free Market you get what you can afford and not what you want.The so-called "Free Market" has been using Big Government to have there cake and eat it too.

    What we have is not a Free Market but a Mixed Economy, which brings out the worst kind  and this is the outcome.

    How about Laissez-fair-Capitalism?




    How about laissez fair capitalism?

    Posted by erikwil on 8th of Jul 2009 at 10:46 pm

    in answer to your "Free Market":

    if there had been a Free Market all along there  would not have been the political muscle to have everybody that wants to get an affordable housing to begin with, regardless if they can afford it or not. In a Free Market you get what you can afford and not what you want.The so-called "Free Market" has been using Big Government to have there cake and eat it too.

    What we have is not a Free Market but a Mixed Economy, which brings out the worst kind  and this is the outcome.

    How about Laissez-fair-Capitalism?


    PS:Its the old head trick: Blame the Free Market when there never was a truly Free Market in the first place, and then what caused it all is giving us more of it to solve the problem. Sad thing is that they are getting away with it.





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