The SRS 15 min system

    SRS mech systems

    Posted by matt on 6th of Jul 2009 at 04:00 pm


    The SRS 15 min system is up 2.6% for the day


    however the SRS 3 in and 1 min systems are almost 4%!

    Srs 1 min Mechanical system

    Posted by zeke on 7th of Jul 2009 at 03:57 pm


    Somehow I have missed the MA criteria for the SRS 1 min mechanical system.

    I see the 15 min and 3 min criteria but nothing for the 1min.



    SRS 1 Min

    Posted by rgoodwin on 7th of Jul 2009 at 04:03 pm

    I think that was a mispost only have the ones posted in the premium content section.

    Don't forget FAZ 1 min. 

    Posted by beta on 6th of Jul 2009 at 04:16 pm

    Don't forget FAZ 1 min.  Bought FAS at 3:40 for almost 3.5%.


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