SPX 5 min

    Posted by matt on 2nd of Jul 2009 at 03:27 pm

    while the 60 period stochastics crossed above 20% a tiny fraction, however the 8/21 EMA's never crossed over the 50 SMAand neither did price!  I love this chart setting, it's so simple, yet pretty effective



    Yes, fantastic,,,,,,, will use this more

    Posted by yam6353 on 2nd of Jul 2009 at 10:23 pm

    Yes, fantastic,,,,,,,

    will use this more often



    be careful..it'll be all over

    Posted by dylan398 on 2nd of Jul 2009 at 03:50 pm

    be careful..it'll be all over the internet in a few weeks...

    have a good one...

    SPX Chart

    Posted by rgoodwin on 2nd of Jul 2009 at 03:53 pm

    No Kidding Dylan - Matt, you should somehow plaster BREAKPOINT TRADES across the face of the charts you post! At least then the thieves have to give you credit!

    I took my shot scalp

    Posted by cspirit on 2nd of Jul 2009 at 03:31 pm

    I took my shot scalp LONG and got stopped out ... No biggie only $200 loss ....  Up good on my swing shorts today so nothing to complain about :)


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