1.00 pm

    Posted by ucbarryk on 5th of Jun 2009 at 01:04 pm

    Boys are back from lunch..next 20 minutes..something should happen.

    I feel like Im watching

    Posted by cwa82675 on 5th of Jun 2009 at 01:21 pm

    I feel like Im watching a movie where the bad guy was just shot 5 times and you are waiting for him to pop his head up one last time with the gun....  Amazing how much people are buying this market....just die already LOL

    ROFLOL cw

    Posted by racerick on 5th of Jun 2009 at 01:30 pm

    Ain't that the truth

    S L O W   D

    Posted by srleblanc on 5th of Jun 2009 at 01:29 pm

    S L O W   D E A T H

    $VOLSPDC-05JUN09.png FWIW...

    Posted by philosoraptor on 5th of Jun 2009 at 01:17 pm



    Posted by lpwise on 5th of Jun 2009 at 01:26 pm

    I find your chart very telling.

    Notice difference between yesterday and today.

    The volume indicator is reflecting the current choppy nature of market today.

    Very cool indicator. As Ninja Trader user hope to switch to IQFeed for data so I can add that indicator to my arsenal Tongue out


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