Key Upside Levels to Note

    Posted by dodgerdog on 28th of May 2009 at 09:34 am

    SPX 913.84 DOW 8496.60 COMP 1768.20

    These are Wednesday's intraday highs which should not be exceeded for the near term correction to continue.

    Stampede for the Bull?

    Posted by geotex on 29th of May 2009 at 04:02 pm

    Since all the bullish targets were just hit and exceeded does this mean the bulls have broken through the corral gate?

    steve if one or two

    Posted by billrosen on 28th of May 2009 at 12:16 pm

    steve if one or two of the indices make an intraday high, but the others do not, that would NOT negate the bearish scenario correct?

    Howdy Mr Nelson

    Posted by ravun on 28th of May 2009 at 09:42 am

    You are too funny, Ravun BTW

    Posted by brophy on 28th of May 2009 at 09:51 am

    You are too funny, Ravun

    BTW What in the world happened to Manchester United yesterday..and how's that new stadium coming?

    Dunno..they played crap

    Posted by ravun on 28th of May 2009 at 09:57 am


    General Motors said Thursday in a regulatory filing that it had reached a deal with a committee of its bondholders to give them 10 percent of a new G.M. -- with an option to purchase up to 15 percent -- if they did not oppose the government-sponsored reorganization plan.


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