Over the long weekend I

    Posted by matt on 23rd of May 2009 at 02:45 pm

    Over the long weekend I plan to make a set of videos and pages that descibe the mechanical systems better and a FAQ page as well.  however this information will be put into a new section on the website called 'premium content' that only paying members can access.  


    Another phase that I have planned for later in the year:  I plan to offer some Tradestation code and custom indicators that you can buy and use.  However I am not set up for that yet, but I plan to have an option for that in the future. 

    Premium Services

    Posted by averageguy on 24th of May 2009 at 08:04 pm

    looking forward to premium Tradestation offerings . And referring people to the FAQ page will save time .

    FWIW , If a guy picked out a 2 hr. time period  where he`d get a fresh cup of coffee and JUST work on 1 thing UNINTERUPTED ( NO PHONES OR BLOGS ) he`d be done quickly .

    Thank you, Matt.  You will

    Posted by algyros on 23rd of May 2009 at 05:35 pm

    Thank you, Matt.  You will help a lot of subscribers with this information (not to mention save a lot of time for yourself by not having to answer the same questions over and over).


    Sounds great , Matt. BTW,

    Posted by srleblanc on 23rd of May 2009 at 03:34 pm

    Sounds great , Matt. BTW, what is the status of the "new" BPT web site?

    still a lot to do.

    Posted by matt on 23rd of May 2009 at 08:30 pm

    still a lot to do. the problem is that we put so much time into our analysis that there isn't anytime left to work on the new site.  Therefore I might have to designate some time to cut back some updates for a few weeks so that I can devote some time to the new website.  I'm sure you guys would understand


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