
    Posted by hornsant on 19th of May 2009 at 05:05 pm

    BAC, UYG, XLF giving back in AH. Something we are missing ?

    BAC after hours

    Posted by kurzweg on 19th of May 2009 at 06:54 pm

    BofA Prices 825 Million Shares at $10 a Piece

    this market/govt is crooked as

    Posted by dylan398 on 19th of May 2009 at 10:38 pm

    this market/govt is crooked as hell....


    GS upgraded BAC 2 days know they knew this was going on...

    You also know this is why we had the late day sell-off...

    You also know..they will spin this positive somehow and we'll b up tomorrow...

    Where is all the capital coming from?? And why buy 800M dilutive shares @ 10..when they could have had all they wanted @ 2.50

    oh and soon they'll be telling us what cars we can drive..

    In a way, they are already

    Posted by billrosen on 19th of May 2009 at 11:03 pm

    In a way, they are already telling us what kind of cars we can drive via the massive gas tax, thus making it tough for many to drive a big SUV or truck. The average Joe on the street has no idea that while these lying politicians keep blaming the greedy big oil companies for high gas prices, it is their own gas tax that takes a large chunk of the money they pay per gallon. Also the global warming campaign has a huge impact on influencing people to think "green" etc. Funny how global warming is now conveniently called global climate change now, that way if another global warming conference gets snowed out because it is unseasonably cold somewhere, it can be said world climates are in turmoil whether it be too hot, or too cold.Don't get me wrong, I am all for treating the environment with respect, but so much of what we are fed by those in power is innacurate and onesided at best and agenda pushing lies at worst. The point being there are so many causes being pushed which are nothing more than a front for paying back those groups and individuals who helped get certain people in power. We are being slowly controlled and manipulated by our ever increasing gov't, whether it be from the left, or sadly the right these days. I only wish it would end with us being told what kind of cars we can drive, I am sure it will go much farther than that...

    This has been happening for

    Posted by asantana on 19th of May 2009 at 11:15 pm

    This has been happening for thousands of years even before this country was ever founded.  Feudalism is a prime example of it.  As the population becomes more sophistacated, so must the reasons to make the wealthy weathier.

    And this has nothing to do with political ideology or party.  Those is power want to push their agenda, whether it be for themselves or for the ones who got them there.  It is not any different today than it was 30-40 years or more ago.

    Bottom line is they not only have better tools to manipulate the market but also the media to point it in whatever direction they the world to turn.

    All we can do is trade our best in order to take some out of the market and ultimately from them.  In turn this could provide us and our families a slightly better life, monetarily.

    we have a whole lot

    Posted by billrosen on 19th of May 2009 at 11:21 pm

    we have a whole lot more gov't intervention today than we did 30 - 40 years ago, heck, we have a lot more gov't intervention today than we did when we started 2009, god only knows the extent of what that intervention and ever increasing power grabs will be in 4 years, frightening...

    Sorry Bill but I respectfully

    Posted by asantana on 19th of May 2009 at 11:39 pm

    Sorry Bill but I respectfully disagree with you that there has been more intervention in the last 5 months than there has in the last 30-40yrs.  If you want to blame the current president and his administration for all that is happening, go right ahead.  Everyone in power is to blame for intervention. 

    In the 70's this country had an oil crisis of epic proportions.  The Japanese then created cars to combat that issue and were allowed to drop them in this country at dirt prices.  Not because the quality was worse but because they found a way to make a better car cheaper.  Our car industry could not compete and so began one form of gov't intervention to keep them afloat, the subsidizing of the auto industry.  Same has happened with the farming industry.

    And the examples are plentiful.  Placing blame on what has occurred the last 5 months and by excusing everything that has been systematically created to place us in this position, imho, is the wrong attitude to have.

    Many of the problems of this country can be solved by putting two things in place: 1) Anyone who wants to receive welfare must pee in a cup.  2) Term limits on everyone in Congress.

    We are pretty much on

    Posted by billrosen on 20th of May 2009 at 12:05 am

    We are pretty much on the same page. I am not blaming everything on Obama and am well aware he walked into a pile of crap. I blame a lot on Bushand Clinton and especially the congress and senate for being 100% focused on their own power and re-elections and not what is good for this country. I am also disgusted with the culture in America these days where most people, not all thankfully, don't think about anything past what feels good today. It is these same people that complain how tough times are, but do nothing to improve their own lives and then don't bother to vote, or if they do vote, they keep putting the same vermin in Washington every 4 years. How can Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, Maxine Waters, Cynthia McKinney and many others keep getting re-elected??? Something like 20% of the members of congress, both parties, have criminal records, something most people do not know. The last time I was really happy with politics in general was when Reagan was the Prez. Did not mean to cause a big debate. If you wish to talk further let's do it in PM's.


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