I'm going to rename the

    Posted by matt on 23rd of May 2008 at 11:39 am

    I'm going to rename the Watch List to 'Trade Ideas' because that's what it is. Also, maybe I"ll get rid of triggered an untriggerd list as well and just have one list.

    I'm going to write a huge piece on the watch list this weekend to clarify everything. I keep getting the same questions over and over and over again. The Watch List (triggered List) is a list of trading ideas, that's it. The BP's, targets, and stops are guildlines only and are not set in stone. I don't trade the Watch List how it's set, I do my own thing and I expect everyone to trade it differntly, it's a hypothetical list of trade ideas and the stops and targets are there for guidelines only. Also, I post a lot more ideas here that I never put on that Watch List.

    Watch List

    Posted by rgoodwin on 23rd of May 2008 at 12:35 pm

    Matt, I am brand new to your site and had no trouble AT ALL figuring out that the watch list was just that - an watch/idea list and that triggers would update in the eveing or as able. Anyone crazy enough to assume they should get into every stock that triggers has too much time on their hands and they are just trying to rely on imperfect data to make money. If folks listened to what is already on your site, and monitored your posts, they would have gotten it as well.

    rgoodwin -thanks for the constructive

    Posted by dodgerdog on 23rd of May 2008 at 12:38 pm

    rgoodwin -thanks for the constructive feedback - extremely well stated.

    Watch List

    Posted by rgoodwin on 23rd of May 2008 at 12:26 pm

    Matt, I am brand new to your site and had no trouble AT ALL figuring out that the watch list was just that - an watch/idea list and that triggers would update in the eveing or as able. Anyone crazy enough to assume they should get into every stock that triggers has too much time on their hands and they are just trying to rely on imperfect data to make money. If folks listened to what is already on your site, and monitored your posts, they would have gotten it as well.


    Posted by ameritrader on 23rd of May 2008 at 12:02 pm

    Reply to matt - May 23, 2008 11:39am

    I very much appreciate your Watch List and understand its only a suggestion. Please don't change anything. Its the best "IDEAS list" I have seen. Please give everyone a little more time to digest it.

    AND thank you for providing and maintaining the list!

    hmmmmm maybe you could change it to "Trades to Consider"

    again, THANK YOU!

    Watch List

    Posted by treid4dou on 23rd of May 2008 at 11:54 am

    Title: Opinion

    treid4dou - thanks for you comments.

    Posted by matt on 23rd of May 2008 at 12:01 pm

    treid4dou - thanks for you comments. Really I just need to get it set up in a different formate with good explainations so that it doesn't cause confusion. Lots of new members ask the sames things so obviously it is confusing, I at least need to make it where it's not confusting so that we don't get the same questions all the time. I find myself spending too many hrs each day responding to questions on this, I need to fix this so that I can focus on the market and trading which is more important

    Listen, my number one goal is to make it the best that I can for you guys, not for me, That's the whole goal with this site, to present the best technical analysis, the best market analysis, and trade ideas that I can!

    I'm going to think about it over the weekend and see what I can do.Don't worry, I won' t get rid of the Watch List, I know it's helpful, just need to figure out how to make it work a little better so that it doesn't generate so many questions that take up all my time Smile


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