Matt's 15 min SPX

    Posted by padraigm on 1st of May 2009 at 01:28 pm

    It looks like an inverted H&S forming

    well, the 15 min QLD

    Posted by matt on 1st of May 2009 at 01:36 pm

    well, the 15 min QLD and SSO system went long.  Of course the SRS 15 min system is short and in the red, so which ones will win by EOD?

    I am more long than

    Posted by padraigm on 1st of May 2009 at 01:48 pm

    I am more long than short at the moment but my gut tells me the sellers will win. Experience has taughr me to never follow my gut without the technicals confirming.

    again the point is, trading

    Posted by matt on 1st of May 2009 at 01:51 pm

    again the point is, trading market index ETF's right now is not working well, what's working is trading all these little stocks that are breaking out all over the place running 50% in a day sometimes!   This won't last forever of course and may be a topping sign as the little POS crap is always the last to rally, but for now enjoy it

    My workstation

    Posted by te22 on 1st of May 2009 at 02:12 pm

    you inspired me to take my workstation to the next level, so I built the following:

    O/S:        Vista 64

    SW:         B loomberg


                IB Trader Workstation

    Processor:  Intel Core i7 940 Quad 2.93GHz

                QPI 4.8GT/s L3 8MB

    RAM:        12GB 1600 MHz DDR3

    HDD:        300GB 10,000RPM SATA 3.0Gb/s Cache 16MB

    Graphics:   nVidia Quadro NVS450 512MB

                (powers the 4x 22" LCDs)

    Graphics:   nVidia Quadro NVS285 128MB

                (powers the 2x 19" LCDs)

    Internet:   22Gb/s down 6Gb/s up

    I agree. Yesterday, I took

    Posted by padraigm on 1st of May 2009 at 01:57 pm

    I agree. Yesterday, I took 11 positions from your list in the AM and flipped all in the first 90 minutes. Only one was a loser. I was a happy camper. The irony is that for every $$ I made yesterday I left $3 on the table at today's prices. I am not complaining since I had no intention of carrying overnight. It is just a matter of the time frame you choose.

    Thanks for your great ideas.




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