
    Posted by ralph on 29th of Apr 2009 at 02:10 pm

    If my memory is correct, he was calling for Dow 40,000 back in the 90s.  I think he has flopped twice since then.  It goes to show, "If you are going to prognosticate, prognosticate often".


    Though if you read his

    Posted by marketguy on 29th of Apr 2009 at 09:15 pm

    Though if you read his very first book "The Great Boom Ahead" that he published in 1993 he called for the end of the bull market in mid 2007!  Granted it was at a much higher level than were it ended but that's pretty damn impressive!!!  He should've stopped there and not written 2 or 3 other books after that Smile


    Posted by mitchellvisa1 on 30th of Apr 2009 at 01:13 am

    I almost made this comment last night, but did not want to seem like I was "piling on".  However if any of us were given a 5 book contract to predict the future, I think we would have done as well or better than poor Harry.  I have in my hands as I type a copy of his 2006  book "The Next Great Bubble Boom".  He states "among his key predictions", "A third and final bubble takes the Dow to 32,000 to 40,000 and the Nasdaq to 10,000 to 14,000 by mid-to-late 2010".  He must have not seen the end to speculative (stated income) mortgage financing bubble!!  Have a good night!

    I know two guys that

    Posted by hornsant on 30th of Apr 2009 at 01:22 am

    I know two guys that went to fumes following this guru.

    Was that DENT that said

    Posted by rgoodwin on 29th of Apr 2009 at 02:13 pm

    Was that DENT that said that - GEEZ - and I bought his book! LOL! Still interesting to read how he predicts what is happening. What amazes me - if you read his book, I can't imagine how he thought DOW 40K would come to be....

    he called it the war

    Posted by dowjones4k on 29th of Apr 2009 at 03:14 pm

    he called it the war premium.  he did correct that later as time went on though.  his prediction was based on no wars.  

    Never let the facts stand

    Posted by ralph on 29th of Apr 2009 at 02:20 pm

    Never let the facts stand in the way of a good story!  Dow 40,000 by 2009


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