schedual d for trade station

    Posted by RM686 on 27th of Apr 2009 at 04:12 pm

    Have opened an account in trade station. could anyone tell me what software you are using to create a gain and loss that includeds wash sales. Some of them seem expensive. I have  gainskeeper free with scottrade and it is too expensive for Tradestation.

    Trade accountant is  the cheapest but no phone support and I am not good with computers.

    Any suggestions sine the trade history in trade station is not kept that long.

    I quit Tradestation several years

    Posted by jhsimon on 27th of Apr 2009 at 07:08 pm

    I quit Tradestation several years ago because of the tax/accounting nightmare. Gainskeeper was way too unwieldy where I was/am doing several thousand trades a year. I switched to Fidelity -- they do it all for you, and I only pay $8 a trade. Maybe others will have more up-to-date input on how to deal with TS.

    brokerage and tax accounting

    Posted by snowcrow on 27th of Apr 2009 at 08:50 pm

    I've been impressed with Fido's accounting service for trades, making end of year easy for entering into Turbotax.  I haven't compared to other brokerages so I appreciate hearing from experience. The $8 trade commission isn't that bad considering. Thanks for posting!

    brokerage and tax accounting

    Posted by kurzweg on 27th of Apr 2009 at 08:58 pm

    As of this year, Schwab feeds directly into TurboTax like Fidelity.  It worked flawlessly for me, with one push of a button.  I had about 500 trades.

    Unfortunately, I couldn't download my

    Posted by jhsimon on 27th of Apr 2009 at 11:57 pm

    Unfortunately, I couldn't download my Fido trades to TurboTax, because Turbotax couldn't handle several thousand trades. I worked with both the Fido and Turbotax technical people last month to find a solution, to no avail. I'm hoping they will be able make some changes so next year to improve their capabilities for really active traders. Or better yet, I should trade less!

    Schedule D software - I've

    Posted by ocracoke53 on 28th of Apr 2009 at 07:26 am

    Schedule D software - I've been using TradeLog (it's not cheap) but worth every cent. Trade using StreetSmart Pro (Schwab), go online with Schwab and export my trades then do an import into TradeLog. TradeLog will construct the Schedule D (with wash sales) and I give the forms to my accountant.

    Tradelog use

    Posted by kurzweg on 28th of Apr 2009 at 07:53 am

    Why do you need to use Tradelog?  I use StreetSmart also and everything downloaded perfectly right into my Turbotax (including handling wash sales perfectly).  Thanks.

    folks who use IB and

    Posted by matt on 18th of May 2009 at 11:55 am

    folks who use IB and others have to use tradelog etc, that's why people use tradelog

    kurzweg, not saying Turbotax isn't a

    Posted by ocracoke53 on 28th of Apr 2009 at 08:04 am


    not saying Turbotax isn't a great tax program - I just don't use the package. I do about 1200 trades a year and at the end of the month I'll download the trading transaction file into Tradelog. For a number of reasons, I let the accountant do my taxes.



    accounting and Turbotax

    Posted by snowcrow on 28th of Apr 2009 at 05:28 am

    Wow thanks for sharing that. I've made several hundred trades this year. It could be somewhat of a nightmare to go through every single one. I'm now wondering how many trades that Turbotax will download, not just with Fidelity but with other brokerage firms.


    Posted by kurzweg on 28th of Apr 2009 at 07:26 am

    OK, my bad.  I didn't see that earlier comment about Turbotax not being able to handle thousands of trades.


    Posted by kurzweg on 28th of Apr 2009 at 07:24 am

    It would have been an absolute nightmare for me.  I'm certain there are no limits on the # of trades it can handle.  I get $8 trades with Schwab, I think $1 or so cheaper than stated rates due to my volume.  For me its a good deal because they have a flat rate of $8 for up to 5,000 shares and I typically trade 1k to 5k on each trade.


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